YOGYAKARTA (12/17). Welcoming school holidays, Rumah Zakat invites children to follow the Free Mass Circumcision. Approximately 62 participants from orphanages from the Special Region of Yogyakarta followed the Free Circumcision held by Rumah Zakat. This event can be held thanks to the support of donations from Yogyakarta residents and Yogyakarta KPP Pratama employees.
The event starting at 07.00 WIB begins with registration. The pouring rain did not dampen the enthusiasm of the parents of children who would be circumcised. The children were excited and very enthusiastic about getting ready to go to Rumah Zakat clinic located on Jl Parangtritis KM 10, Gabusan, Timbulharjo, Sewon, Bantul.
The opening ceremony for free circumcision started at 8:30 a.m. was opened directly by the Branch Manager of the Yogyakarta Branch of Rumah Zakat, Ms. Warnitis and also attended by Mr. Guntur Wijaya Edi as head of the KPP Pratama Yogyakarta.
“Alhamdulillah, the employees can set aside a salary that can be channeled through Rumah Zakat for the Free Circumcision program for people in need, I hope the children present today can grow up and can replace us as employees at KPP Pratama Yogyakarta in the future,” said Mr Guntur Wijaya Edi in his speech.
“Rumah Zakat tries to take advantage of the children’s school holiday momentum for mass circumcision activities in the hope that it can become a means of filling their holidays for positive activities, therefore Rumah Zakat invites donators including KPP employees to participate in the Free Circumcision Donation program” concluded Ms. Warnitis As the branch manager of Rumah Zakat Yogyakarta.
After the opening ceremony ended the participants listened to the children’s stories by Likah and watched educative film while waiting for their turn to circumcise.
“I am very happy to be able to circumcise at Rumah Zakat, I can meet many friends and there is a fairy tale of a good child, the doctor is good and the circumcision does not hurt, thank you Rumah Zakat,” said Andi Azunur Kurniawan 11 years.
The event ended at 2:45 a.m. by distributing circumcision gifts in the form of shirt, sarongs, caps and pocket money to all circumcision participants, and all participants could return to their homes with smiles full of happiness.
Silvia Zakiah Itsnaini