[:ID]KEDIRI. Hari ketiga proses evakuasi Longsor di wilayah Nganjuk, tim relawan Rumah Zakat Kediri turunkan 6 personil untuk mendirikan posko segar. 2 orang ditugaskan untuk evakuasi. Sampai saat ini, Rabu (12/04) hasil evakuasi masih tidak membuahkan hasil dikarenakan tebalnya tumpukan material longsor yang mencapai 20 meter. Selain itu, kurangnya SDM relawan yang turun ke lapangan menjadi kendala dalam proses evakuasi, ditambah sulitnya menurunkan alat berat menyebabkan proses evakuasi semakin sulit.
Bencana longsor yang terjadi di Desa Kepel, Kecamatan Ngetos, Kabupaten Nganjuk ini memakan korban sebanyak 5 orang. “Tanda-tanda longsor sebenarnya sih sudah dirasakan oleh sebagian warga 20 hari sebelumnya.” Ungkap salah satu warga.
Korban longsor tersebut adalah 3 siswa dan 2 petani. Sebelumnya korban mendapatkan peringatan untuk tidak boleh mendekati daerah longsor, sayang kelima korban tersebut tidak bisa diselamatkan.
Dua hari pasca longsor, evakuasi belum dapat dilakukan karena lokasi belum stabil dan berpotensi untuk terjadi longsor susulan. Tim evakuasi akan melanjutkan tugasnya besok pagi.
Newsroom/Dian Ekawati
[:en]KEDIRI. In third day of the evacuation process of landslide in Nganjuk region, a team of Rumah Zakat volunteer deployed 6 personnel of Kediri volunteers to establish a fresh post. 2 volunteers are assigned to the evacuation. Until today, Wednesday (04/12) there is no result due to the thick pile of landslide material that reaches 20 meters. In addition, the lack of human volunteers who took to the field is a constraint in the evacuation process, plus the difficulty of lowering heavy equipment causing the evacuation become more difficult.
The landslide that occurred in Kepel village, Ngetos District, Nganjuk have killed as many as 5 people. “Signs of a landslide actually, it was felt by some residents 20 days in advance” one resident said.
The victims are three students and two farmers. Previous victims got a warning to not approach the landslide area, unfortunately fifth of the victims could not be saved.
Two days after the landslide, the evacuation cannot be done because the location is not yet stable and subsequent landslides might happen. Evacuation team will continue their work tomorrow morning.
Newsroom/Dian Ekawati