[:ID]GUNUNGKIDUL. Setelah meningkatkan semangat anak-anak TPA dengan program TPA Bertakjil, kini fasilitator Rumah Zakat desa berdaya Pacarejo mengadakan Kado Silang untuk para anak-anak yang hadir di kegiatan TPA.
Di acara Kado Silang ini para santri bertukar kado yang sebelumnya mereka bawa dari rumah. Untuk isi kadonya pun diupayakan untuk tidak menyulitkan para santri, dimana kado-kado yang mereka buat boleh berisi suatu jenis makanan yang harganya tidak lebih dari Rp2.000 saja.
“Santri ditugaskan membuat kado berisikan takjil untuk mendidik santri bisa bersedekah atau menumbuhkan jiwa semangat memberi kepada sesama. Iya, dengan kado silang ini diharapkan akan tumbuh jiwa berbaginya santri serta mengurangi kejenuhan ber-TPA bila takjilnya selalu dari pengelola. Rencananya kado silang ini akan dilaksanakan sebulan sekali,” terang fasilitator desa berdaya Pacarejo, Ratno Sungkowo.
Khusus hari Senin (09/10) TPA menggelar kegiatan lomba menyanyi, lomba pildacil, lomba hafalan, dan lomba yel-yel. Para santripun sangat riang mendengarkan penjelasan ustdzah Evi tadi.
Di akhir acara, kecerianan santri bertambah saat kado mulai dikumpulkan per rombongan belajar dan mulai dibagikan secara acak. “Horeee….Mas Ratno….Mas Ratno….aku dapet tiga lho…enak smua lagi….aku seneng.” seru salah seorang santri.
[:en]GUNUNGKIDUL. After raising the spirit of TPA children with TPA Bertakjil program, now the facilitator of Rumah Zakat in the village of Pacarejo empowered to hold a Gift Exchange for the children who attended the TPA activity.
In this Gift Exchange Event the santri exchange gifts that they previously brought from home. For the contents of the gift was attempted not to complicate the santri, where the gifts they make may contain a type of food that costs no more than Rp2.000 only.
“Students are assigned to make gifts containing takjil to educate students to charity or to foster the spirit of giving spirit to others. Yes, with this Gift Exchange is expected to grow the soul of the santri and reduce the saturation of the landfill if takjilnya always from the teacher. The plan of this Gift Exchange will be held once a month,” explained the empowered village facilitator Pacarejo, Ratno Sungkowo.
Especially on Monday (09/10) TPA held singing competitions, pildacil contest, race contest, and yel-yel contest. The santri was very cheerfully listen to the explanation ustdzah Evi earlier.
At the end of the event, the santri grew as the gifts began to be collected per study group and began to be distributed randomly. “Horray …. Mas Ratno …. Mas Ratno …. I get three gifts … it’s all delicious…. I am happy.” shouted one of the santri.
Newsroom / Ratih