[:ID]BINJAI. Kebakaran akibat hubungan arus pendek listrik terjadi di Gg.Sisir Cengkeh Turi Kecamatan Binjai menyebabkan beberapa Rumah Warga Terbakar, beruntung tak ada korban jiwa dalam kebakaran ini dan saat ini korban di ungsikan ke rumah tetangga terdekat.
(20/03) Menanggapi kejadian ini, Rumah Zakat langsung menerjunkan 7 orang relawan untuk memberikan bantuan kepada korban terdampak. Bantuan yang diberikan berupa 3 paket sembako, Pakaian Layak Pakai dan bahan material berupa 15 lembar seng, 15 sak semen dan 1 kg paku. Takk hanya mendistribusikan bantuan Tim Relawan juga membantu warga membersihkan sisa-sisa puing kebakaran.
“Alhamdulilah kami disambut hangat oleh warga, semoga bantuan ini bisa membantu meringankan duka warga terdampak,” ujar Relawan Rumah Zakat
Ria Arianti / Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]BINJAI. Fires caused by short-circuit error occurred in Gg.Cisir Clove Turi Binjai Sub-district burned some Houses of residents, luckily no casualties in this fire and now the victim is evacuated to the nearest neighbor’s house.
(20/03) In response to this incident, Rumah Zakat directly fielded 7 volunteers to provide assistance to affected victims. Assistance given in the form of 3 packages of basic needs, Appropriate Wear and materials in the form of 15 sheets of zinc, 15 sacks of cement and 1 kg of nails. Not only distributes the help Volunteers Team also help residents clean up the remains of the debris.
“Alhamdulilah we are warmly welcomed by the residents, hopefully this help can help alleviate the grief of affected citizens,” said Volunteers of Rumah Zakat.
Ria Arianti / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]