oleh | Nov 29, 2017 | News

[:ID]ACEH. Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Menanam Pohon Indonesia, Cita Sehat Foundation yang dibawah naungan Rumah Zakat melakukan aksi tanam 13.000 pohon.

“Mengapa kita pilih angka 13.000 itu karena kegiatan ini juga sekaligus memperingati 13 tahun tsunami Aceh.”, tutur Yasir, Public Health Cita Sehat Aceh.

Aksi tanam 13.000 pohon ini menarik perhatian dari berbagai kalangan termasuk komunitas-komunitas yang ada di Kota Aceh untuk berpartisipasi pada kegiatan tersebut. Agenda penanaman pohon dilakukan pada hari Minggu (26/11), di Kawasan Leupung, Lhoknga, Aceh besar.

Aksi dimulai dari titik kumpul di Museum Tsunami Aceh, bersama rombongan Dinas Kehutanan Aceh, tim bergerak menuju Masjid Leupung. Sebelum aksi, para peserta mengikuti arahan dari Kepala Dinas Kehutanan tentang betapa pentingnya menjaga bumi serta menjelaskan sedikit tentang cara menanam pohon yang baik dan benar. Aksi pun berlangsung setengah hari di 4 titik lokasi yang berbeda-beda.

Relawan Nusantara juga ikut berpartisipasi di aksi tersebut. Tampak relawan Nusantara sangat bersemangat dan antusias di aksi tersebut. Para relawan ikut menamam bibit pohon di wilayah Jembatan dan Koramil TNI Leupung.

“Kami sangat senang bisa ikut bergabung di aksi ini. Semoga kedepannya aksi ini bisa lebih mantap.”, ungkap Rahmat sebagai koordinator di titik wilayah tanam bibit pohon tersebut.

Aksi pun berakhir sekitar pukul 12.00 siang dan dilanjutkan shalat berjamaah serta makan “kuah belangong” sekaligus silahturahmi antar komunitas-komunitas yang mengikuti aksi tanam pohon.

Newsroom/Nurul Rahayu
Aceh[:en]ACEH. In order to commemorate the Tree Planting Day of Indonesia, Cita Sehat Foundation and Rumah Zakat do the planting action by planted  13,000 trees.

“Why do we choose the 13,000 because this activity is also at the same time commemorate the 13 years of Aceh tsunami,” said Yasir, Public Health Cita Sehat Aceh.

The planting of 13,000 trees attracted the attention of various groups including communities in Aceh City to participate in the event. The tree planting agenda was held on Sunday (26/11), in Leupung, Lhoknga, Aceh Besar.

The action starts from the gathering point at the Aceh Tsunami Museum, along with the Aceh Forestry Department entourage, the team moves towards the Leupung Mosque. Before the action, the participants followed the direction of the Head of the Forest Service about the importance of safeguarding the earth and explained little about how to plant a good and right tree. The action lasted half a day at 4 different location points.

Nusantara volunteers also participated in the action. Nusantara volunteers seem very enthusiastic in the action. The volunteers joined the tree seedling in the area of the bridge and Koramil TNI Leupung.

“We are very pleased to join this action, hopefully, this action can be more solid,” said Rahmat, the coordinator at the point of planting the seedlings.

The action ended at around 12:00 noon and continued praying together and eat “sauce belangong” as well as silahturahmi between communities that participate the tree planting action.

Newsroom / Nurul Rahayu