oleh | Nov 16, 2018 | News

[:ID]GARUT. Kamis (15/11). Dalam rangka mengantisipasi penyebaran pengaruh perilaku LGBT, Rumah Zakat Bersama PKK Desa Cisero menggelar penyuluhan mengenai bahaya LGBT di desa berdaya Cisero bertempat di Masjid Nurul Iman RT 04 RW 03 Desa Cisero, Cisurupan, Garut.

“Kegiatan ini digelar atas kerjasama Rumah Zakat dan PKK Cisero dalam rangka mengantisipasi penyebaran pengaruh perilaku LGBT. Seperti diketahui bahwa beberapa waktu yang lalu Kabupaten Garut menjadi sorotan nasional atas munculnya salah satu grup di media sosial yang berbau LGBT,” ungkap Wahyu Fasilitator Desa Berdaya Cisero.

“Oleh karena itu kami memandang perlu memberikan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat terkait bahaya perilaku LGBT. Alhamdulillah kegiatan penyuluhan dapat dilaksanakan bahkan masyarakat pun terlihat antusias mengikutinya. Yang bertindak selaku pemateri adalah Ai Rika Amd.Keb dari tenaga kesehatan dan Heni Husnaeni dari PKK.” tambah Wahyu.

Ai Rika sebagai pemateri dalam kegiatan tersebut meninjau dampak perilaku LGBT dari sisi kesehatan yaitu potensi timbulnya penyakit HIV Aids dan kanker serviks. Sementara Heni Husnaeni selaku pengurus PKK desa Cisero yang juga salah seorang ustadzah menyampaikan terkait dampak yang timbul dari perilaku LGBT dilihat dari sudut pandang keagamaan, diantaranya munculnya berbagai macam bencana seperti yang pernah terjadi pada kaum terdahulu dan dosa yang harus ditanggung di akhirat nanti.

Acara ditutup dengan muhasabah yang dipimpin oleh fasilitator desa berdaya Cisero, Wahyu Suryaman.


Yanto Sugianto/Abdullah Tsabit[:en]GARUT. Thursday (11/15). In order to anticipate the spread of the influence of LGBT behavior, Rumah Zakat with the PKK in Cisero Village held information on the dangers of LGBT in the village of Cisero at the Nurul Iman Mosque RT 04 RW 03 in Cisero Village, Cisurupan, Garut.

“This activity was held in collaboration with Rumah Zakat and PKK Cisero in order to anticipate the spread of the influence of LGBT behavior, ” It is known that some time ago Garut Regency became the national spotlight for the emergence of one group on LGBT social media,” said Wahyu, a Cisero Empowered village.

“Therefore we consider it necessary to educate the public about the dangers of LGBT behavior. Alhamdulillah, extension activities can be carried out even if the community looks enthusiastic to follow them. Those who acted as speakers were Ai Rika Amd. Keb from health workers and Heni Husnaeni from PKK. “Wahyu added.

Ai Rika as the speaker in the activity reviewed the impact of LGBT behavior in terms of health, namely the potential for HIV Aids and cervical cancer to arise. While Heni Husnaeni, as the PKK administrator of Cisero Village who is also one of the ustadzah, said that related to the impact arising from LGBT behavior seen from a religious perspective, including the emergence of various types of disasters such as what had happened to the previous people and the sins to be borne in the hereafter.

The event was closed with muhasabah led by Cisero empowered village facilitator, Wahyu Suryaman.


Yanto Sugianto/Abdullah Tsabit
