NORTH LOMBOK, (08/08), the Lombok earthquake that occurred on July 29, 2018 has resulted in many buildings being destroyed and many people who suffered minor or severe injuries even died. This condition made many people to help the community affected both by the people who are in the country and the people who are abroad.
The Indonesian Muslim community in America who are members of IMSA (Indonesian Muslim Society In America) helped the brothers in Lombok by providing assistance through Rumah Zakat.
Assistance for Lombok was distributed on August 8, 2018. Aid was distributed at 2 points of the evacuation location, namely in Dsn. Lenek Bentek village, Kec. Ganga and Dsn. East Lekok, Ds. Gondang Kec. Gangga, North Lombok Regency. Assistance provided in the form of staple food such as rice, cooking oil, biscuits and mineral water.
“With this assistance, the community feels very helped and expresses gratitude to Indonesian Muslim brothers who are in America, but still care about the community in Indonesia.”
Muhammad Andi / Lailatul Istikhomah