[:ID]LOMBOK. (12/08) Rumah Zakat mengunjungi salah satu posko gempa di desa Kayangan bersama Bupati Lombok Utara Najmul Akhyar berserta mitra Vanila Hijab.
Di posko ini warga korban gempa belum pernah mendapatkan bantuan sehingga warga merasa senang ketika bupati, Rumah Zakat dan vanilla hijab memberikan beberapa bantuan.
“Baru kali ini mereka mendapatkan bantuan serta di kunjungi oleh bupati pasca bencana gempa yang terjadi sehingga mereka merasa senang” ujar Relawan Rumah Zakat, Dhika.
Setelah itu tim melanjukan kembali perjalanan menuju posko di kandang kao. Di posko ini mitra Rumah Zakat, Vanila Hijab memberikan beberapa bantuan kebutuhan para pengungsi.
“Disini kami masih membutuhkan uluran tangan dari semua pihak, supaya kami semua di sini dapat bertahan. Mohon doa dari semua,”tambah Dhika.
Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]LOMBOK. (12/08) Rumah Zakat visited one of the earthquake posts in Kayangan village with North Lombok Regent Najmul Akhyar along with Vanilla Hijab partners.
At this post, the earthquake victims had never received assistance so that the residents felt happy when the regent, Rumah Zakat and vanilla hijab provided some assistance.
“It was only this time that they received assistance and were visited by the regent after the earthquake disaster that happened so they were happy” said Rumah Zakat Volunteer, Dhika.
After that the team continued to travel to the post in Kandang Kao. At this post Rumah Zakat partner, Vanila Hijab provided some assistance to the needs of the refugees.
“Here we still need a helping hand from all parties, so that we all here can survive. Please pray for us,” added Dhika.
Lailatul Istikhomah[:]