[:ID]WAMENA, Kamis (10/10) – Hari ini kamis 10 Oktober 2019 hari ke empat tim relawan psikososial Rumah Zakat berada di Wamena, Jayapuara kali ini melakukan aksi psikososial di SD Inpres Mulele Wamena Jayapura, dengan di ikuti oleh 32 siswa-siswi.
Tim disambut baik oleh guru dan langsung menuju kelas 6B untuk perkenalan dan memberikan psikososial kepada anak anak. Setelah perkenalan dilanjutkan menuliskan nama, cita-cita dan harapan kedepan mereka. Semua anak berharap Wamena kembali damai dan bisa beraktivitas sekolah seperti biasa. Kemudian dilanjutkan bermain dilapangan sekolah dari mulai pemainan angka, loncat-loncat, nyanyi dll.
Selain SD Inpres Mulele juga tim relawan psikososial Rumah Zakat mengunjungi MI Arahmah, TPA Arahmah, RA Mutiara Hati, sekolah sudah mulai aktif namun sekolah hanya sampai jam 10 dan muridnya baru 10 persenan yang hadir.
Mas Soers / Hanaa Afifah[:en]
WAMENA, Thursday (10/10) – Today Thursday, October 10, 2019, the fourth day of the psychosocial volunteer team of Rumah Zakat was in Wamena, Jayapuara, this time taking a psychosocial action at the Inpres Mulele Elementary Wamena Jayapura, attended by 32 students.
The team was welcomed by the teacher and went straight to class 6B to introduce and give psychosocial to children. After the introduction the team asked the children to write their names, ideals and hopes for the future. All children hope that Wamena will return to peace and be able to go back to school as usual. Then continue playing in the school field starting from playing numbers, jumping, singing etc.
In addition to the Inpres Mulele Elementary School also the psychosocial volunteer team of Rumah Zakat visited MI Arahmah, TPA Arahmah, RA Mutiara Hati, schools have begun to be active again but the school is only until 10 o’clock and only 10 percent students attended.
Mas Soers / Hanaa Afifah[:]