oleh | Okt 29, 2018 | News

[:ID]PAMEKASAN. Kekeringan di Kabupaten Pamekasan semakin meluas, Data BPBD Kabupaten Pamekasan menyebutkan kini jumlahnya mencapai 80 desa dari sebelumnya 78 desa.

Dari Informasi tersebut Fasilitator Desa Berdaya Rumah Zakat segera melakukan survey lokasi untuk mendistibusikan bantuan air bersih di daerah terdampak kekeringan.

“Wilayah di Kabupaten Pamekasan yang menjadi target Rumah Zakat Untuk Penyaluran Bantuan Air Bersih diantaranya Desa Larangan Tokol dan Branta Pesisir.”. ungkap Muslih Fasilitator Desa Berdaya.

Larangan Tokol merupakan wilayah yang menjadi lokasi distribusi pertama, “Ketersediaan air di sini (Desa Larangan Tokol) sudah tidak bisa mencukupi kebutuhan air warga, kalau pun ada sumur di beberapa rumah warga tapi airnya sudah lama kering karena panjangnya musim kemarau pada tahun ini,” terang Muslih saat mendampingi distribusi air bersih warga di Dusun Tengan Satu Desa Larangan Tokol Kecamatan Tlanakan. Ahad (28/10).

Sejatinya Bantuan air hari ini tersalurkan tiga tangki, untuk berikutnya akan didatangkan secara bertahap. Warga terlihat Berduyun-duyun untuk mendapatkan Air. Mereka membawa jerigen dan bak mandi masing-masing saat bantuan air bersih tiba.

“Bantuan air bersih ini sangat bermanfaat sekali bagi kami, warga di sini, kami sangat berterima kasih sekali kepada RumahZzakat yang sudah peduli kepada kami” ujar Mas Hendri selaku Tokoh Pemuda di Desa Larangan Tokol.

Aditya Evan / Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]PAMEKASAN. The drought in Pamekasan Regency is increasingly widespread, Data from the BPBD of Pamekasan Regency said that now the number reaches 80 villages from the previous 78 villages.

From this information the Rumah Zakat Village Facilitator immediately conducted a site survey to distribute clean water assistance in drought-affected areas.

“Areas in Pamekasan Regency which are the target of Zakat Houses for Distribution of Clean Water Assistance include Larangan Tokol Village and Branta Pesisir,” said Muslih, the empowered village facilitator.

“Larangan Tokol is the first distribution area.” The availability of water here (Larangan Tokol Village) cannot meet the water needs of residents, even if there are wells in several houses, but the water has long been dry due to the long dry season this year” Muslih explained when accompanying the distribution of clean water for residents in Tengan Satu Village, Larangan Tokol, Tlanakan Sub-District. Sunday (28/10).

Indeed, water aid today is channeled by three tanks, for the next it will be brought in gradually. Residents are seen flocking to get water. They brought their jerry cans and bathtubs when clean water aid arrived.

“The help of clean water is very beneficial for us, the citizens here, we are very grateful to Rumah Zakat for caring for us,” said Mas Hendri as a Youth Figure in Larangan Tokol Village.


Aditya Evan / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]