[:ID]KARO. Lahar dingin Gunung Sinabung menimpa Desa Sukatendel, Kecamatan Nderket, Kabupaten Karo, Sumatera Utara, Rabu, (31/05). Warga pun segera mengungsi di posko pengugsian SDN 040493, Sukatendel. Intensitas hujan yang cukup deras, menimbulkan lahar dingin Gunung Sinabung meluap dan mengakibatkan rumah rusak
Sebanyak 19 rumah rusak parah, namun tidak ada korban jiwa. Sebanyak 19 KK sekitar 70 Jiwa mengungsi. Ketersediaan Obat-obatan, ketersedian Tenaga Medis masih kurang. Bahkan ambulan pun tidak ada.
Pada Jumat, (02/06) Rumah Zakat menerjunkan bantuan 5 orang relawan untuk menjangkau lokasi bencana. Bantuan yang disalurkan kepada para korban berupa 200 kg beras, 160 kaleng kornet superqurban, 24 liter minyak goreng, 20 pcs susu kaleng, 20 kg gula pasir, 48 pcs susu UHT, 40 renteng shampo saset, 20 pcs pasta gigi, 20 pcs sabun mandi, 20 pcs sikat gigi, 20 pcs detergent bubuk, 20 bungkus biskuit.
Untuk menjangkau lokasi bencana, para relawan harus melalui jalur yang cukup sulit dilalui kendaraan biasa. Jalan menuju lokasi berbelok-belok, berlubang, dan berlumpur hanya bisa dijangkau dengan mobil truck/jeep atau motor trail.
“Akses Jalan berjarak sekitar 40 km dari Tugu Kol Berastagi menuju jalan udara kemudian melewati Kecamatan Simpang Empat, Kecamatan Payung, Kecamatan Tiga Nderket. Barulah sampai di lokasi bencana Desa Sukatendel,” Ungkap salah satu Relawan.
Karo[:en]KARO. Cold lava of Mount Sinabung struck Sukatendel Village, Nderket District, Karo Regency, North Sumatra, Wednesday, (05/31). Residents were immediately evacuated toward the refugee post at SDN 040493, Sukatendel. The intensity of heavy rain causing cold lava of Mount Sinabung overflowed and struck residents’ houses.
A total of 19 houses were badly damaged, fortunately there is no casualties. A total of 19 families (70 people) were evacuated. There is no ambulance, medicines and medical Personnel are highly needed.
On Friday, (06/03) Rumah Zakat deployed 5 volunteers to reach the disaster area for distributing assistance. Assistance distributed to the victims are in the form of 200 kg rice, 160 cans of superqurban corned beef, 24 liters of cooking oil, 20 pcs canned milk, 20 kg sugar, 48 pcs of UHT milk, 40 of sachets shampoo, 20 pcs toothpaste, 20 pcs of bath soap , 20 pcs toothbrush, 20 pcs detergent powder, 20 packs of biscuit.
To reach the disaster site, the volunteers have to go through the path that is quite difficult to pass by normal vehicles. Maze road, hollow, and muddy locations can only be reached by truck / jeep or dirt bike.
“Acces to disaster site of Sukatendel is about 40 km from Tugu Kol Berastagi to the air road and then passes Simpang Empat District, Payung District, Tiga Nderket District” Revealed one of the volunteers.
Newsroom / kuna