[:ID]MAKASSAR. (14/07) Rumah Zakat rutin melaksanakan senam sehat setiap pekan di Desa Berdaya Rappokalling, kelurahan rappokalling, kecamatan Tallo. Para ibu-ibu Member binaan maupun Lansia selalu antusias mengikuti kegiatan senam sehat.
Sebanyak 65 orang hadir dalam kegiatan Senam Sehat yang rutin diadakan sekali sepekan yakni setiap hari Sabtu. Sebelum senam kegiatan ini dimulai dengan Berdoa, Penyuluhan terkait bagaimana kita selalu menjaga kesehatan kita yakni dengan cara Olahraga yang teratur dan menkonsumsi buah dan sayuran.
“Dengan adanya senam sehat ini, saya selalu sehat dan badan saya selalu segar, terima kasih rumah zakat.” Ucap ibu Mardiana (61 thn)
Ramli/Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]MAKASSAR. (14/07) Rumah Zakat regularly perform healthy exercises every week in Berdaya Rappokalling village, rappokalling village, Tallo district. The mothers of members of the target and the elderly are always enthusiastic to follow the activities of healthy gymnastics.
65 people attended the regular Healthy Gymnastics held once a week that is every Saturday. Before gymnastics this activity begins with Praying, Counseling related to how they should always maintain our health that is by way of regular exercise and consuming fruits and vegetables.
“With this healthy gymnastics, I am always healthy and my body is always fresh, thank you Rumah Zakat.” said Mardiana (61 years)
Ramli / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]