oleh | Feb 18, 2019 | News

[:ID]KAB. LANDAK. Hujan yang mengguyur Kabupaten Landak Kalimantan Barat selama mulai tanggal 14 Februari pukul 17.00 WIB sampai dengan tanggal 15 Februari menyebabkan meningkatnya debit air di beberapa sungai seperti SungaiLandak Sungai Dait, Sungai Behe, Sungai Belantian, Sungai Menyuke, Sungai Pade, Sungai Mempawah, Sungai Rantawan, dan Sungai Ranto.

Dari pantaun yang ada ketinggian air mencapai 60-120cm di Kecamatan Air Besar dan Ngabang serta 100-250 cm di Kec.Kuala Behe. Hal langsung di respon cepat oleh Tim Relawan Rumah Zakat Action dengan menurunkan tim untuk melakukan evakuasi dan assesment langsung terhadap penyitas bencana dan mendistribusika bantuan berupa Kornet Superqurban. Dari hasil eassesment diperoleh data kebutuhan mendesak saat ini seperti paket pangan untuk dapur umum, air bersih, selimut, family kit, baju bayi, dan paket rekreasional.

Banjir ini telah menyebabkan 260 unit rumah terendam 417 jiwa korban terdampak. Di dusun sekendal desa sekendal kec. Air besar; 73 unit rumah terendam 219 jiwa korban terdampak di Dusun Pesayangan Desa Raja Kec.Ngabang; 36 unit rumah terendam 144 jiwa korban terdampk di Dusun Raiy Desa Raja Kec.Ngabang; 275 unit rumah terendam 1238 jiwa korban terdampak di Desa Kuala Behe Kec. Kuala Behe; 84 Unit Rumah Terendam 308 Jiwa Korban Terdampak Di Desa Sebirang Kec Ngabang; 2 Unit Tempat Ibadah 1 Unit Sekolah 1 Unit Balai Pertemuan 1 Unit Polindes 1 Unit Paud Terendam Di Desa Sebirang Kec Ngabang; 25 unit rumah terendam 128 jiwa korban terdampak di Dusun Selaba Desa Munggu Kec Ngabang.

Sampai data ini diturunkan Tim Relawan Rumah Zakat Action terus melakukan pendataan dan pendistribusian logistik.

Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]The rain that flushed the West Kalimantan Landak District from February 14 at 17.00 WIB to February 15 caused an increase in water flow in several rivers such as the Landak River Dait River, Behe ​​River, Belantian River, Menyuke River, Pade River, Mempawah River, Rantawan River, and Ranto River.

From the observation conducted, water level in the Districts of Air Besar and Ngabang is 60-120cm and Kuala Behe is 100-250 cm. The disaster immediately responded by Rumah Zakat Action Volunteer Team by deploying a team to carry out evacuation and direct assessment of disaster risk and distribute aid in the form of Superqurban corned beef. From the results of assessment, data on current urgent needs are obtained, such as food packages for soup kitchens, clean water, blankets, family kits, baby clothes, and recreational packages.

This flood has caused 260 housing units to be submerged and 417 people affected. kec. Air besar; 73 houses were submerged, 219 affected victims in Pesayangan Village, Raja Village, Kec. Ngabang; 36 houses were submerged, 144 people were displaced in Raiy Hamlet Raja Village Kec. Nagabang; 275 houses were submerged, 1238 people effected in Kuala Behe ​​Village, Kec. Kuala Behe; 84 Houses Submerged, 308 people Affected, in Sebirang Village, Ngabang Subdistrict; 2 Units of Worship Place, 1 School Unit, 1 Assembly Hall Unit, 1 Polindes also submerged by water.

Meanwhile in Sebirang Village, Ngabang Subdistrict; 25 houses were submerged and 128 people affected

Until this data was revealed, Rumah Zakat Action Volunteer Team continued to carry out data collection and logistics distribution.


Lailatul Istikhomah[:]