oleh | Jan 22, 2018 | News

[:ID]JAYAPURA. hari Minggu kemarin (21/01), Relawan Rumah Zakat Jayapura telah tiba di Agats, Ibukota Kabupaten Asmat. Sesampainya di Agats Relawan segera berkoordinasi dengan Pemerintah Kabupaten Asmat untuk pendistribusian bantuan ke distrik-distrik yang terdampak KLB Gizi Buruk dan Campak.

“Kami menyerahkan secara resmi sebagian bantuan yang dibawa kepada Pemerintah Kabupaten Asmat untuk ditampung di gudang logistik dan didistribusikan secara merata oleh pemerintah,” ungkap Julioh, Relawan Rumah Zakat.

Sembari menunggu kepastian keberangkatan ke distrik-distrik terdampak KLB Gizi Buruk, Relawan pun menyusuri kampung-kampung di sekitaran Agats.

“Ternyata di Agats juga banyak wilayah yang mengalami kasus-kasus Gizi Buruk. Karenanya, kami pun mendistribusikan bantuan kornet, susu dan biskuit untuk warga Agats,” tutur Julioh.

Hari Senin pagi ini (22/01), Relawan Rumah Zakat mulai bergerak menuju ke 5 distrik yang terdampak KLB Gizi Buruk dan Campak, yaitu Swator, Fayit, Pulau Tiga, Jetsy dan Siret.

“Di kunjungan pertama ini, hanya dua relawan yang diizinkan ikut ke distrik untuk distribusi bantuan. Semoga di kunjungan-kunjungan berikutnya besok, semua relawan bisa ikut,” ungkap Julioh.


Newsroom/ Ria Arianti
Jayapura[:en]JAYAPURA. last Sunday (21/01), Volunteer of Rumah Zakat Jayapura has arrived in Agats, the Capital of Asmat District. Arriving at Agats, Volunteers soon coordinate with Asmat District Government for distribution of aid to districts affected by Outbreaks of Malnutrition and Measles.

“We officially handed over some of the help that was brought to Asmat District Government to be accommodated in logistics warehouse and distributed equally by the government, “said Julioh, Volunteer of Rumah Zakat.

While waiting for the certainty of departure to the affected districts of Malnutrition Outbreak, the volunteers went through the villages around the Agats

“Apparently in Agats there are also many areas that experienced Malnutrition. Therefore, we distribute Superqurban corned beef, milk and biscuits for residents of Agats, “said Julioh.

Monday morning (22/01), Volunteers of Rumah Zakat start moving towards the 5 districts affected by Outbreaks of Malnutrition and Measles, namely Swator, Fayit, Pulau Kayu, Jetsy and Siret.

“On this first visit, only two volunteers were allowed to go to the district for aid distribution. Hopefully in the next visits tomorrow, all volunteers can participate, “said Julioh.

Newsroom / Ria Arianti
