oleh | Mar 14, 2016 | News

RELAWAN RZ SIAGA TANGGULANGI BENCANA BANJIR KABUPATEN BANDUNGBANDUNG. Relawan RZ dari dini hari hingga Senin (14/03) pagi ini terus memantau kondisi banjir di Kabupaten Bandung, saat ini ketinggian air sudah menurun, namun ketinggian air masih dinilai cukup tinggi. Dan warga harus tetap waspada karena intensitas hujan masih tinggi. Bencana ini menyebabkan 15 wilayah di Kabupaten Bandung terendam banjir. Relawan RZ segera merespon dan menyiapkan tim evakuasi langsung di TKP. BPBD bersama Relawan RZ, menyiapkan air bersih dan Toliet portable di posko INKANAS. Dari informasi yang didapat terdapat 2 orang tewas, 3 orang hilang dan ribuan jiwa lainnya mengungsi. Tinggi banjir berkisar antara 80 hingga 300 centimeter. Daerah di sekitar bantaran Sungai Citarum dan cekungan, tinggi banjir mencapai 3 meter. Selain itu, hujan deras juga menyebabkan longsor di Kampung Lemburkebon RT 3/RW 7 Desa Padasuka, Kec. Kutawaringin, Kabupaten Bandung. Data update posko siaga banjir kecamatan Baleendah dan kecamatan Dayeuhkolot pada Senin (14/03) ini, sebagai berikut : 1. Inkanas: 62 KK, 227 jiwa 2. Gor baleendah: 74 KK, 303 jiwa 3. Wakawuri: 88 KK, 338 jiwa 4. Unilon: 123 KK, 511 jiwa 5. STT Telkom Adapun dampak korban yang terjadi pada bencana banjir ini adalah 24.000 jiwa, 3.000 jiwa mengungsi, 2 orang tewas dan 3 orang hilang. Disamping itu terdapat dampak wilayah yang juga dirasakan, diantaranya: 15 daerah di Kabupaten Bandung: Kecamatan Cicalengka, Rancaekek, Cileunyi, Solokan Jeruk, Majalaya, Ciparay, Baleendah, Dayeuhkolot, Bojongsoang, Pameungpeuk, Banjaran, Arjasri, Cangkuang, Katapang dan Kutawaringin. Selain itu dampak kerusakan yang timbul dari bencana banjir ini adalah 1 unit rumah rusak berat, dan jalur Baleendah – Deyeuhkolot terputus. Dikarenakan bencana yang melanda tersebut, dibutuhkan beberapa kebutuhan darurat yang harus dipenuhi, diantaranya : Perahu karet, air mineral, makanan bayi, popok bayi dan pembalut. “Kami tidak tinggal diam dalam penanggulangan bencana tersebut, beberapa respon telah diberikan untuk meringankan dampak banjir tersebut, diantaranya : evakuasi warga, posko hangat, 600 kaleng Kornet Relawan, tebar nasi bungkus, makanan Bayi, trauma healing, logistik, pengadaaan air Mineral,” papar Surianto, Relawan RZ.*** Newsroom/Surianto Bandung

RELAWAN RZ SIAGA TANGGULANGI BENCANA BANJIR KABUPATEN BANDUNGBANDUNG.Volunteers RZ from early morning until Monday (14/03) morning continued to monitor the flood situation in Bandung regency, the current water level has decreased, but the water level is still considered quite high. And residents must remain aware because the rain intensity is still high. This disaster caused 15 area in Bandung regency were flooded. RZ volunteers immediately responded and set up evacuation team immediately at the scene. RZ Volunteers with BPBDs prepared clean water and portable toliet in INKANAS post.

From the information obtained, there are 2 persons died, 3 persons missing and thousands of residents evacuated. Height of flood ranging between 80 to 300 centimeters, the area around the banks of the Citarum River and the basin is submerged up to 3 meters high. In addition, heavy rains also caused landslides in Kampung Lemburkebon 3 RT / RW 7 Padasuka village, Kutawaringin district, Bandung regency.
Data update post flood alert in Baleendah and Dayeuhkolot district on Monday (03/14) is as follows:
1. Inkanas: 62 families, 227 persons
2. Gor Baleendah: 74 families, 303 persons
3. Wakawuri: 88 families, 338 persons
4. Unilon: 123 families, 511 persons
5. STT Telkom
As for the victims of the flood disaster that occurred are 24,000 people, 3,000 people displaced, 2 persons died and three persons are missing. In addition, there are also area that affected by the flood, including: 15 in Regency Bandung: Sub-district of Cicalengka, Rancaekek, Cileunyi, solokan Jeruk, Majalaya, Ciparay, Baleendah, Dayeuhkolot, Bojongsoang, Pameungpeuk, Banjaran, Arjasri, Cangkuang, Katapang and Kutawaringin. Besides the impact of the damage arising from floods are one unit of house were severely damaged, and the road Baleendah – Deyeuhkolot disconnected.
Due to the disaster, they need some emergency needs that must be met, including: rubber boat, mineral water, baby food, baby diapers and sanitary napkins.

“We did not stay silent to overcome the disaster, some of the responses have been given to alleviate the impact of floods, such as: evacuation, warm shelter, 600 cans of superqurban corned beef, food distribution, Babie food, trauma healing, logistics, Mineral Water,” said Surianto, RZ Volunteer.  *** Newsroom/Surianto Bandung