oleh | Apr 14, 2016 | News

BLITAR. TinRELAWAN RZ SALURKAN BANTUAN UNTUK KORBAN BANJUR KALIBOTOgginya intensitas hujan masih terjadi di sebagian besar wilayah Indonesia. Tingginya intensitas hujan tersebut menyebabkan sebagian besar rumah penduduk di Desa Kaliboto RT 05/RW 02 Kec. Wonodadi, Kab. Blitar, Jawa Timur terendam banjir.

Pada hari Rabu (13/04) kemarin Relawan RZ menyalurkan bantuan kepada para korban banjir,
“Banjir di kecamatan Wonodadi terjadi dibeberapa titik, namun titik yang terparah terjadi di daerah Kaliboto. Pada hari Selasa (12/04) ketinggian air mencapai 1 meter, Alhamdulillah hari ini (Rabu, 13/04) sudah mulai surut dengan ketinggia air berada dikisaran 70 CM ” Tutur Lia selaku koordinator Relawan RZ cabang Kediri pada saat aksi penyaluran bantuan kepada warga.

“Bantuan yang diberikan memang tidak banyak, hanya 40 kaleng kornet, 5 paket sembako dan 25 paket personal higens. Semua bantuan tersebut dari RZ, Kami berupaya menembus banjir agar bantuan yang kami berikan tepat sasaran, kami melihat kondisi rumah warga, mana yang kira-kira layak kami berikan” Ungkap Lia.

Salah satu korban banjir pun menuturkan rasa terima kasihnya, “Terima kasih buat para relawan RZ atas bantuanya, banjir ini merupakan kiriman dari kota yang diguyur hujan 2 hari berturut-turut yang menyebabkan kampung dan sawah kami terendam. Semoga tanaman padinya tidak membusuk dan mati,” Ungkap Bapak Agung.***

BlitarBLITAR. TinRELAWAN RZ SALURKAN BANTUAN UNTUK KORBAN BANJUR KALIBOTO High rainfall intensity is still occurring in most parts of Indonesia. High rainfall intensity that cause most of the houses in Kaliboto village RT 05 / RW 02 Wonodadi district, Blitar regency, East Java flooded.

On Wednesday (13/04) yesterday Volunteer RZ aid to the flood victims,
“Flood in Wonodadi district occur in some point, but most severe point is in Kaliboto area. On Tuesday (12/04) the water level reaches 1 meter, Alhamdulillah today (Wednesday, 4.13) it has started to recede with water height is around 70 CM “Said Lia Volunteer coordinator of RZ Kediri when deliver the aid for citizens.

“The assistance given is not much, only 40 cans of corned beef, 5 food packages and 25 packages of personal hygiene. All funds are from RZ, we attempted to get through the flood so that aid that we provide is received by the right target, we saw the condition of the houses, which are worthy to be given the aid “stated Lia.

One flood victim utters his gratitude, “Thank you for the volunteers RZ on the support, this flood is the submission of a rain-soaked city two days in a row which led to the village and rice paddies were submerged. Hopefully rice crops do not rot and die, “stated Mr. Agung. ***

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