[:ID]ACEH. Tim pertama Relawan RZ Aceh pagi ini (07/12) berangkat ke lokasi gempa. Seperti informasi yang didapat bahwa pagi ini (07/12) pukul 05.03 Wib telah terjadi gempa berkekuatan 6,4 SR yang berpusat di 18 kilometer Timur Laut Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, Aceh pada kedalaman 10 Km. Gempa tersebut tidak berpotensi tsunami. Berdasarkan informasi dari dari BPBD Aceh Selatan yang diterima Relawan RZ pagi ini pukul 10.30 WIB, berikut data dampak gempa Aceh:
92 Toko Roboh
– Mereudu: 41 unit
– Tringgadeng: 26 unit
– Bandar Dua: 7 unit
– Bandar baru: 16 unit
– Meuraj dua: 2
Korban jiwa
– Tringgadeng : 18 orang meninggal dan 5 orang luka berat
– Mereudu: 5 orang meninggal dan 21 orang luka berat
– Bandar Baru: 2 orang meninggal
Masjid dan Rumah Rusak
– 5 Masjid rusak berat
– 15 rumah rusak berat
Data-data ini diperkirakan akan terus bertambah, karena proses pendataan masih terus berlangsung. Untuk membantu proses evakuasi, RZ telah mengirimkan Relawan ke lokasi bencana yang dilengkapi dengan perlengkapan evakuasi
Rencana aksi tim pertama adalah evakuasi korban yang masih tertimbun reruntuhan, membuka posko segar, membuka dapur umum, dan distribusi bantuan logistik.
“RZ juga sedang menyiapkan tim kedua untuk diterjunkan ke lokasi bencana. Tim kedua akan membawa bantuan medis dan obat-obatan bagi warga terdampak gempa.” pungkas Fakhrur Razi, Relawan RZ Aceh.
Newsroom/Ria Arianti
Aceh[:en]ACEH.The first team of RZ Aceh Volunteers this morning (07/12) went to the location of the earthquake. As from the information is obtained that this morning (12/07) at 5:03 am there has been an earthquake measuring 6.4 magnitude centered 18 kilometers Northeast Pidie Jaya, Aceh at a depth of 10 km. The earhquake is not a potential for tsunami. Based on information from the South Aceh BPBDs that RZ Volunteers received this morning at 10.30 am, the following data is the impact of the earthquake in Aceh:
92 Stores Collapsed
– Mereudu: 41 units
– Tringgadeng: 26 units
– Bandar Dua: 7 units
– Bandar baru: 16 units
– Meuraj dua: 2 units
– Tringgadeng: 18 people died and five people were seriously injured
– Mereudu: 5 people died and 21 people were seriously injured
– Bandar Baru: 2 dead
Mosques and Houses Damaged
– 5 mosques severely damaged
– 15 houses damaged
These data are expected to continue to grow, because the data collection process is still ongoing. To help the evacuation process, RZ has sent volunteers to disaster areas equipped with evacuation equipment
The action plan is the first team to evacuate victims who still buried under the ruins, opened a fresh post, open public kitchens, and logistics distribution.
“RZ also prepared a second team to be deployed to disaster areas. The second team will bring medical aid and medicines for the people affected by the earthquake, “said Fakhrur Razi, Volunteer of RZ Aceh.
Newsroom/Ria Arianti