PADANG. Mendapatkan kabar terjadinya musibah banjir yang melanda di sebagian wilayah kota Padang, Relawan RZ Padang berupaya bergerak cepat membantu warga.
Banjir ini disebabkan hujan deras yang menggguyur sejak Senin (21/03) malam, mengakibatkan ratusan rumah terendam banjir terutama di Kecamatan Koto Tangah dan Nanggalo.
Ketinggian banjir rata-rata 1 meter. Rumah yang terendam air membuat masyarakat sulit untuk beraktifitas terutama untuk memasak bahan makanan.
“Dari hasil survey, ketinggian air mencapai 1 meter, masyarakat sulit untuk beraktifitas terutama untuk memasak bahan makanan. Kami bersama teman-teman sepakat untuk melakukan aksi berbagi nasi bungkus kepada warga,” Jelas padre Akbar, koordinator Relawan RZ Padang yang baru terpilih.
“Alhamdulillah, Pada Selasa (22/03) sebanyak 12 orang relawan di berikan izin oleh Allah untuk berbagi 100 paket nasi bungkus kepada masyarakat yang berada di Kelurahan Dadok, Tunggul Hitam, Padang.
Aksi dimulai dengan membeli bahan masak, memasak nasi dan sambal, pembungkusan, dan pembagian paket nasi bungkus pada pukul 16.00 WIB –selesai,” tutup Padri.***
PadangPADANG. Getting the news of floods that happens in parts of Padang city, RZ Padang Volunteers seeks to move quickly to help residents.
These floods caused by torrential rain that had been pouring since Monday (03/21) night, resulting in hundreds of homes were flooded, especially in the district of Koto Tangah and Nanggalo.
As flood elevation average of 1 meter, houses are submerged in water makes it difficult for people to do their activity mainly for cooking.
“From the survey results, the water level reached one meter, the residents finds it difficult to do their activity, especially for cooking foodstuffs. We were with friends agreed to take action to share the rice packets to the residents” padre Akbar explained, the newly elected Volunteer coordinator of RZ Padang.
“Alhamdulillah, On Tuesday (03/22) 12 volunteers given permission by God to share 100 rice packages to the people who were in Dadok Village, Stump Black, Padang”
The action begins with the purchase of ingredients, rice and sambal cooking, packaging, and distribution of rice package at 16.00 pm” Padri closed. ***