[:ID]KEDIRI. Pada Rabu (07/12) Relawan RZ Kediri mengedukasi siswa TK Dharma Wanita daerah Pagut, Blabak, Kota Kediri mengenai banjir, penyebab, hingga dampak banjir. Murid dengan total hampir 40 orang ini mendapatkan edukasi setelah melaksanakan Simulasi Ujian.
Edukasi ini dilakukan untuk mencerdaskan anak-anak mengenai banjir. “Kalau banjir, kita harus ngapain, dik?” Tanya Ariestya, pengisi materi pagi itu. “Matikan listrik kak,” timpal salah seorang murid, “Tidur kak” lanjut yang lain, disambut tawa seisi kelas. Meski banjir sedang melanda, namun semangat adik-adik ini tidak mengendor sedikit pun, mereka masih bisa ceria.
“Setelah edukasi, kami membagikan susu kotak, buku gambar, dan snack, tak lupa sesi foto bersama untuk mengabadikan kenangan.” tutur Ersanto, Relawan RZ Kediri. “Semoga tak hanya kami tim Relawan yg dikenang adik-adik, namun ilmunya dapat diingat sepanjang masa.” pungkasnya.
Kediri[:en]KEDIRI. On Wednesday (12/07) Volunteer of RZ Kediri educated students of TK Dharma Wanita in Pagut, Blabak, Kediri about floods, cause, until the impact of the floods. Students with a total of nearly 40 childrens get education after implementing Exam Simulation.
Education is done to educate children about the flood. “If there is the flood, what we should do?” Asked Ariestya, the speaker that morning, “Turn off the power said one student, “Sleeping “ continued the other, to laughter from the class. Although floods are sweeping, but the spirit of the children is not loosened at all, they can still be cheerful.
“After education, we distribute milk boxes, drawing books, and snacks, do not forget a photo session to capture the memories.” Said Ersanto, Volunteer of RZ Kediri. “Hopefully not just our team of volunteers who remembered the brothers, but knowledge can be remembered all the time.” He concluded.