oleh | Mar 16, 2016 | News

RELAWAN RZ BERSIHKAN RUMAH WARGA DARI SISA BANJIRKEDIRI. Relawan RZ membantu warga membersihkan lumpur sisa banjir yang memenuhi rumah dan masjid di Dusun Sawunggaling, Desa Bagorkulon, Kabupaten Nganjuk, Minggu (13/03). Banjir yang terjadi selama 5 jam ini meninggalkan tumpukan lumpur hingga 20 cm.

“Kondisi rumah warga setelah banjir sangat kotor dan berpotensi menjadi sumber penyakit jika tidak segera dibersihkan. Untuk itu kami menurunkan 13 orang relawan, membersihkan rumah-rumah serta masjid agar bisa kembali digunakan untuk aktivitas ibadah warga,” tutur Ersanto, Koordinator Relawan RZ Kediri, Rabu (16/03).

Banjir terparah terjadi di wilayah Kecamatan Bagor dan Kecamatan Wilangan. Di Bagor, titik terparah ada di Dusun Sawunggaling, Desa Bagorkulon dengan ketinggian antara 1-2 meter, sedangkan di Kecamatan Wilangan hingga 1,8 meter.

Akibat banjir ini lebih dari 2.000 unit rumah penduduk termasuk kantor kecamatan, kantor desa, polsek, koramil, hingga sekolah dan masjid terendam. “Pintu rumah dan pagar sampai jebol, kuat sekali tekanan airnya,” ujar Nanik Suprapti (40 th), salah satu warga yang rumahnya terendam.

Selain membantu warga membersihkan lumpur, Relawan RZ juga berbagi 48 paket kornet Superqurban, mie Instan dan air mineral kepada warga.”Bantuan ini diberikan kepada warga yang terdampak banjir paling parah, terutama di masjid-masjid. Meskipun banjir sudah surut, lumpur sudah mulai berkurang, kami masih memantau kondisi di sana, dikhawatirkan ada banjir susulan karena musim hujan masih belum selesai,” ungkap Ersanto.***

KediriRELAWAN RZ BERSIHKAN RUMAH WARGA DARI SISA BANJIRKEDIRI.RZ Volunteers helped residents to clean up the remaining mud flood that filled the house and a mosque in Sawunggaling hamlet, Village Bagorkulon, Nganjuk, Sunday (13/03). Flood that occurred for 5-hour leave piles of mud up to 20 cm.

“The house condition after the flood is very dirty and has a potential to be a source of disease if not promptly cleaned up. For that we assign 13 volunteers to clean house and mosques to be re-used for religious activities of the residents”Ersanto said, Coordinator of RZ Kediri Volunteer, Wednesday (03/16).

The worst flood occurred in Bagor Sub-district and Wilangan Sub-district. In Bagor, the worst flood is in Sawunggaling Hamlet, Bagorkulon Village with a height between 1-2 meters, whereas in Wilangan sub- district up to 1.8 meters.

Because of the flood more than 2,000 houses, including the district office, village office, police station, koramil, schools and mosques submerged. “Even the door and fence broke, the water pressure was very strong” Nanik Suprapti (40 th) said, one of the residents whose homes were submerged.

Besides helped people to clean up the mud RZ Volunteer also shared 48 packages of SuperQurban corned beef, Instant noodles and mineral water to the residents. “This assistance is given to people who are most affected by floods, especially in mosques. Although the floodwaters have receded, mud has begun to diminish but we are still monitoring the conditions there, feared if there is a subsequent flood because the rainy season is not over yet, “Ersanto said ***
