BEKASI. Serangan membabi buta Israel sampai saat ini telah membuat kondisi Jalur Gaza, Palestina kian mencekam. Semakin hari semakin banyak korban tidak berdosa yang bejatuhan. Memperhatikan kondisi tersebut, Relawan RZ Bekasi melakukan aksi penggalangan dana untuk membantu warga sekaligus korban kekejaman zionis Israel di palestina.
Kegiatan galang dana dilakukan sejak tanggal 10 hingga 19 Juli 2014 di sekitar Giant Hypermall Bekasi. “Alhamdulillah telah terkumpul dana sebesar Rp.5.913.000,00. Dana tersebut terkumpul berkat kedermawanan warga Bekasi yang peduli terhadap konflik kemanusiaan yang menimpa saudara seiman di Palestina,” terang Dedi Prayitno salah seorang relawan RZ yang menyalurkan dana di Kantor RZ Bekasi.
Besar harapan Relawan RZ dan warga Bekasi, donasi yang telah disisihkan bisa menghadirkan keberkahan dan dapat membantu mengurangi beban saudara-saudara seiman di Palestina.
Newsroom/Diki Taufik
BEKASIThe bombardment of Zionist Israel in Gaza has killed many innocent people especially children. Considering this poor condition, the volunteer of RZ Bekasi held a fundraising action for assisting the victims in Gaza.
This action was held from July 10 to 19, 2014, around Giant Hypermall, Bekasi. “Alhamdulillah, we’ve collected 5.9 millions rupiah through this action. The collected donation cannot be separated from the generosity of Bekasi citizens that concern toward the aggression victims in Gaza,” Dedi Prayitno, a volunteer, said
The volunteers and the donors expect that the donation can help and ease the victims suffering.***
Newsroom/Diki Taufik
BEKASIThe bombardment of Zionist Israel in Gaza has killed many innocent people especially children. Considering this poor condition, the volunteer of RZ Bekasi held a fundraising action for assisting the victims in Gaza.
This action was held from July 10 to 19, 2014, around Giant Hypermall, Bekasi. “Alhamdulillah, we’ve collected 5.9 millions rupiah through this action. The collected donation cannot be separated from the generosity of Bekasi citizens that concern toward the aggression victims in Gaza,” Dedi Prayitno, a volunteer, said.
The volunteers and the donors expect that the donation can help and ease the victims suffering.***
Newsroom/Diki Taufik