[:ID]MEDAN. Pada Minggu (21/08) Relawan RZ Medan bergerak cepat menuju lokasi kebakaran yang terjadi di Lorong Syukur link 29, Medan Belawan pada Sabtu (20/08) malam sekitar pukul 18.30 WIB hingga 21.00 WIB. Dalam peristiwa itu, sedikitnya 120 rumah yang dihuni oleh 1200 jiwa dari 200 KK warga ludes dilalap si jago merah.
Selain kehilangan rumah, hampir seluruh harta benda warga tak bisa diselamatkan akibat dahsyatnya aksi si jago merah.
“Informasinya kebakaran berawal dari salah satu rumah warga yang dipicu dari konsleting listrik. Api pun dengan cepat menyambar bedeng-bedeng kayu milik warga dan kebanyakan penghuni tidak sempat menyelamatkan harta benda mereka. tidak ada korban jiwa dalam kebakaran ini, namun puluhan lapak dan bedeng tempat warga tinggal hangus terbakar semua tidak ada yang bisa diselamatkan.” Ungkap Sugi, Koordinator Relawan RZ Medan.
“Kami bergerak cepat datang kesini untuk membantu ringankan duka warga dengan membawa bantuan berupa 600 kaleng Kornet Superqurban, Pakaian Layak Pakai, 120 paket peralatan mandi (sabun, pasta & sikat gigi, sampo, lotion anti nyamuk), Sembako (beras 90 kg, minyak goreng, gula) 6 dus susu UHT, 3 dus Biskuit, Popok bayi dan pembalut.” Tambah Sugi.
“Selain itu kami mendirikan posko hangat bagi warga. Adapun kebutuhan yang saat ini dibutuhkan warga berupa tikar untuk alas pengungsian, selimut, air mineral, perlengkapan sekolah dan susu.” Tututp Sugi.
Medan[:en]MEDAN.On Sunday (08/21) Volunteer of RZ Medan move quickly to the location of a fire that occurred in Lorong Syukur link 29, Medan Belawan on Saturday (08/20) night at about 06:30 pm until 09:00 pm. In that event, at least 120 houses inhabited by 1200 souls of 200 families resident have gone engulfed in the flames.
Besides losing their homes, almost all citizens’ possessions could not be saved due to the enormity of flames.
“According to The information the fire started from one of the houses that were triggered from an electric short circuit. Fire was quickly snatched beds of wood belong to residents and most of the residents did not have time to save their belongings. There were no fatalities in this fire, but dozens of shanties and sheds where people live charred, none can be saved. “Revealed Sugi, Volunteer Coordinator of RZ Medan.
“We are moving quickly come here helping to relieve the grief of citizens by bringing aid that cover 600 cans of SuperQurban corned, Worth Wear Clothes, 120 pack toiletries (soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes, shampoo, Mosquitoes repellents), basic foods (rice 90 kg, oil fried, sugar) 6 cartons of UHT milk, 3 boxes of biscuits, baby diapers and sanitary napkins. “Add Sugi.
“Besides, we set up a warm shelter for residents. The requirement currently needed by citizens in the form of mats for the refugee board, blankets, mineral water, school supplies and milk. “Sugi closed.