[:ID]SUKABUMI. Telah terjadi kebakaran pada salah satu rumah warga pada hari Kamis (12/01) pukul 12.00 WIB di Jl. Cirumput No 45 RT.002/008 Kel. Kertarahaja, Kec. Cikembar, Kabupaten Sukabumi. Kebakaran tersebut diduga terjadi akibat konsleting listrik sehingga melahap habis rumah milik Pak Heri. Saat kejadian keluarga korban tidak ada di rumah.
Saksi pertama yang melihat kejadian tersebut adalah mertua korban yang rumahnya berdampingan. Saat itu warga ikut membantu memadamkan api namun sumber air cukup jauh sehingga api sulit padam. Tetapi mobil Damkar (Pemadam kebakaran) tiba sehingga kobaran api cepat dipadamkan.
Relawan RZ Sukabumi memberikan bantuam berupa 10 kaleng Kornet Superqurban kepada keluarga korban. “Alhamdulillah hatur nuhun kang buat bantuannya, bermanfaat buat kami. Semoga pemerintah juga bisa bantu kami buat ngebangun rumah lagi. Rumah kami udah habis, kang.” ungkap korban kepada Relawan RZ.
Tidak ada korban jiwa atau luka berat dalam kejadian ini, namun kerugian diprediksi mencapai Rp 70 juta.
Sukabumi[:en]SUKABUMI. Fire burned a house in Jl. Cirumput No 45 RT.002 / 008 Ex. Kertarahaja, district. Cikembar, Sukabumi on Thursday (01/12) at 12.00 pm. The fire allegedly caused by an electric short circuit so that devoured the house owned by Mr. Heri. When the incident happened the victim’s family was not at home.
The first witness who saw the incident is the father in law whose houses side by side. At that time the residents helped extinguish the fire but the water source far enough so that the fire difficult to put out. But the Firemen arrived so the flames were quickly extinguished.
Volunteers of RZ Sukabumi gave reliefs in the form of 10 cans of Superqurban corned to the affected families. “Alhamdulillah, thank you , it is very useful for us. Hopefully the government can also help us to rebuild our home again. There is nothing left, our house has burned down” said the victim told RZ Volunteer.
There were no fatalities or serious injuries in this incident, but the loss is predicted to reach Rp 70 million.[:]