oleh | Mei 26, 2016 | News

RELAWAN RZ AKTIF TANGANI DAMPAK PASCA BANJIR BANDANG SUBANGSUBANG. (26/05) Pada tanggal 22 Mei 2016 lalu telah terjadi banjir bandang. Bencana tersebut disebabkan oleh curah hujan yang tinggi yang terjadi pada pukul 17.00 WIB mengakibatkan genangan air di hulu sungai. Hingga pukul 21.00 WIB air meluap yang mengakibatkan longsor dari atas.

Dua jam kemudian terjadi longsor susulan dari atas yang paling parah. Ada 5 titik longsoran di sekitar area Kampung Cihideung, desa Sukakerti, kecamatan Cisalak, Subang yang mengakibatkan beberapa rumah tertimbun longsor dan mengakibatkan korban meninggal.

Banjir bandang tersebut berdampak kepada 378 jiwa populasi, dan berdampak kepada tiga RT sekaligus, yakni: RT 01 RW 01, RT 02 RW 01, dan RT 06 RW 02. Selain itu terdapat korban meninggal 5 jiwa, korban luka berat 6 orang, korban luka ringan 2 jiwa.

Selain itu, kejadian tersebut juga berdampak terhadap wilayah Sawah seluas 32.5 hektare. Dampak kerusakan yang ditimbulkan pun tidak kalah banyak, sebanyak 21 rumah rusak ringan, 12 rusak sedang, dan 11 rumah rusak berat.

“Sekarang ini kita masih membutuhkan kebutuhan-kebutuhan darurat seperti: pompa air untuk membersihkan rumah, alas kaki, peralatan sekolah (belum ada), plp anak-anak 3-6 tahun, alat-alat untuk perbaikan jalan : Pacul dll, alat-alat pembersihan.” Papar Reza, Relawan RZ.

Adapun upaya-upaya penanganan banjir bandang Subang yang telah dilakukan oleh Relawan RZ, seperti assesment ke lokasi bencana, membantu melakukan pembersihan lokasi terdampak , trauma healing dengan bermain dan berbagi snack bersama anak-anak.


SubangRELAWAN RZ AKTIF TANGANI DAMPAK PASCA BANJIR BANDANG SUBANG SUBANG (05/26) On May 22, 2016 flash food hit subang. The disaster caused by high rainfall that occurred from 05.00 pm to 21.00 P.M resulted in a puddle of water in the river and the overflow of water cause a landslide from the top of hill.

Two hours later the following landslide occurred, and it is the most severe landslide
. There are five points of avalanches in Cihideung, Sukakerti sub-district, Cisalak district, Subang which resulted in some houses buried by landslides and people dead.

The flash floods affect 378 people and the impact on three neighborhoods (RT) at once, namely: RT 01 RW 01, RT 02 RW 01 and RT 06 RW 02. In addition there are five people died, six people severely injured, and 2 people got minor injury.

Besides that, the incident also impacts rice field area covering 32.5 hectares. It is also result some damages, as many as 21 houses were slightly damaged, 12 moderately damaged and 11 houses were severely damaged.

“Right now we are still in need of emergency needs such as water pumps to clean the home, footwear, school supplies, necessities for children of 3-6 years , equipment for repairing the road: Hoe, tools cleaning kit. “Reza explained, RZ Volunteer.

As the efforts that has been done by volunteers RZ are assessment to the disaster site, cleaned the affected locations, trauma healing by playing and sharing a snack with the kids.

Newsroom / Reza