[:ID]ACEH. Pasca banjir yang saat ini berangsur-angsur surut di Aceh Utara, Relawan Rumah Zakat kembali turun ke lokasi banjir untuk menyalurkan bantuan, Minggu, (07/01/2018).
Sebanyak 49 Paket bantuan terdiri dari tiga kilogram beras, minyak satu liter, gula dan telur satu kilogram. “Relawan juga menurunkan 4 orang ke lokasi banjir, koordinasi dengan Fasilitator Desa Berdaya Rumah Zakat di desa binaan terdekat dan pihak terkait,” tutur salah satu Relawan.
Selain itu, kebutuhan mendesak bagi para pengungsi saat ini berupa Hygene Kits, dan obat-obatan.
Aceh[:en]ACEH. Post-flood which is now gradually receding in North Aceh, Volunteers of Rumah Zakat back to distribute relief, Sunday (07/01/2018).
A total of 49 relief packages consist of three kilograms of rice, one liter of oil, sugar and one-kilogram egg. “Volunteers also sent 4 people to the flood site, coordinating with the Empowered VIllage Facilitator of Rumah Zakat in the nearest village and related parties,” said one of the volunteers.
In addition, the urgent need for current refugees is Hygiene Kits and drugs.
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