JEMBER. Gerakan Masjidku Bersih dan Hijau adalah program yang dikelola sepenuhnya oleh Relawan RZ. Pada hari Sabtu (5/7), sebanyak 15 Relawan RZ Jember ikut andil pada saat membersihkan bagian luar & dalam Masjid Al-Istiqomah Tegal Besar. Dalam kesempatan tersebut, relawan pun didampingi oleh H. Bambang Bhudi selaku Ketua Ikatan Ta’mir Masjid & Musholla Se-Kabupaten Jember.
Selain itu, Relawan RZ juga melakukan aksi menanam pohon disekitar masjid. “Alhamdulilah kami berhasil menanam 5 Pohon pucuk merah & 3 bunga jarum. Tidak hanya itu, kami pun membersihkan rumput-rumput liar di sela-sela paving blok di halaman masjid,” pungkas Mulia Chozin salah satu relawan RZ Jember.
Chozin menambahkan kegiatan Gema Bersihati merupakan program pemberdayaan masyarkat, dengan tujuan memberikan penyuluhan tentang pentingnya membersihkan dan memakmurkan masjid.***
Newsroom/Diki Taufik
JEMBER. Gema Bersihati (Green and Clean Mosque Action) is a program that is managed by RZ volunteer. Saturday (5/7), 15 volunteers of RZ Jember re-implemented this action in Al-Istiqomah Tegal Besar. In this action, they share the job desk to clean the inside and outside part of the mosque. On the other hand, they were also supervised by Bambang Budhi, the Chairman of Jember Mosque Keeper Community, during the implementation of the action.
In addition, they also planted several trees and flowers around the mosque yard. “Alhamdulillah, we have successfully planted 5 red bud trees and 3 needle flowers. In addition, we also clean the weeds around the mosque,” Mulia Chozin, a volunteer, said.
Chozin added that Gema Besihati Action is a part of social empowerment program that focuses on coaching and counseling the importance of maintaining mosques.***
Newsroom/Diki Taufik