oleh | Jun 1, 2016 | News

dseseBLORA. RZ senatiasa konsisten memberdayakan masyarakat dengan menonjolkan potensi lokal setempat yang ada di pedesaan. Kali ini RZ melalui Relawan Inspirasi (RI) ICD Bedingin Kec. Todanan Kab. Blora berupaya menggandeng pihak investor untuk bersama menggali dan mengoptimalkan potensi lahan desa yang ada.

PT Mulia Raya yang bergerak di bidang perkebunan Pisang Chavendish (Philipina) adalah salah satu perusahaan yang di gandeng RI untuk menjalin kemitraan dengan PokTan “TANI MUKTI” binaan RZ.

Sabtu (16/04) PT Mulia Raya melalui bapak Khairul Anwar bersama team datang dan memberikan arahan tentang kemitraan Poktan dengan Perusahaannya.

“Kami yakin kemitraan ini akan sukses di sini, saya lihat lahan di sini sangat potensial.” Ungkapnya di sela presentasinya. “Apalagi disini ada dukungan dan pengawalan dari RZ melalui Relawan Inspirasinya. tambahnya.

“Kami berharap pisang ini akan besar di Bedingin dan menjadi ikon Bedingin sebagai salah satu sentra pengembangan pisang Cavendish, dan jika tercapai kami akan lakukan pengolahan lanjutan di sini seperti pengepakan dsb, yang tenaga kerjanya juga berasal dari masyarakat binaan RZ disini.” tuturnya di penghujung presentasi.

Semoga Allah senantiasa memudahkan karya usaha RZ dan PT Mulia Raya dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi pedesaan.



Newsroom/Rico Yatul Yuza
Bloradsese BLORA. RZ is consistent empowering people by highlighting local potential in rural areas. This time RZ through Inspiring Volunteer (RI)of ICD Bedingin district. Todanan regency. Blora seeks to hold the investor to jointly explore and optimize the potential of the existing village land.

PT Mulia Raya engaged in Chavendish (Philippines) banana plantations is one of the companies that cooperate with RI to establish partnerships with “FARMER MUKTI” farmer group under RZ guidance.

On Saturday (05/16) PT Mulia Raya trough Mr. Khairul Anwar team come together and provides direction on partnership between the farmer group and his company.

“We are confident this partnership will be success, I saw the land here is very potential.” He said on the sidelines of his presentation. “Especially here there is support and guidance from RZ through Inspiring Volunteer, he added.

“We hope this program will success and became an icon of Bedingin as one of the centers of development of the Cavendish banana, and if it is success we will do advanced processing here such as packing, etc., which also labor comes from the community under RZ guidance.” he said at the end of the presentation.

May God continue to facilitate the work of businesses of RZ and PT Mulia Raya in rural economic empowerment.

Newsroom / Rico Yatul Yuza