[:ID]SLEMAN. Pemerintah Kabupaten Sleman pada bulan April 2017 mengadakan Lomba Desa Unggulan. Setiap Kecamatan diwajibkan mengirimkan satu desa untuk dinilai oleh Tim Juri. Desa Condongcatur didaulat untuk mewakili Kecamatan Depok dalam lomba antar desa tersebut.
Ana miramanti, Relawan Inspirasi Rumah Zakat yang bertugas di RW 08 Desa Condongcatur menerangkan bahwa desa Desa Condongcatur adalah salah satu desa yang dikunjugi oleh juri “Alhamdulilah, wilayah ini termasuk yang didatangi oleh tim juri. Dalam pelaksanaanya, tidak semua dusun akan dikunjungi, hanya beberapa sample saja yang akan dinilai oleh tim juri” Ungkapnya.
Dengan Program Bank Sampah dan Kebun Gizi yang merupakan hasil kerjasama antara Relawan Inspirasi Rumah Zakat dengan ibu-ibu PKK setempat, akhirnya RW 08 terpilih untuk mewakili dusun dalam kategori Lingkungan Bersih dan Sehat (LBS), serta Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS).
Sebelum penjurian dilakukan, camat dan lurah menyempatkan diri untuk meninjau RW 08, termasuk kebun gizi. Tidak ketinggalan, merekapun sempat berfoto bersama di depan kebun gizi. Setelah camat dan lurah tersebut foto bersama, tidak mau ketinggalan, para pengurus PKK yang didominasi oleh ibu-ibupun ikut ber-selfie ria. Saat ini, tampaknya kebun gizi akan menjadi spot baru di RW 08 untuk dijadikan tempat selfie para warga.
Newsroom/Dian Ekawati
SLEMAN. Sleman District Government in April 2017 to hold Featured Village competition. Each district is required to submit a village to be assessed by the jury. Condongcatur village was asked to represent Depok District in competition.
Ana miramanti, Rumah Zakat’s Inspiring Volunteer who served in RW 08 Condongcatur village explained that Condongcatur village is one of the villages that are visited by the jury ” Alhamdulilah, this region is included to be the village assessed by the jury. In the implementation, not all the village will be visited, only a few samples which will be assessed by the jury “she pointed out.
With Trash Bank Program and Nutrient Gardens which is the result of cooperation between Rumah Zakat’s Inspiring Volunteer with local PKK (women community) of RW 08 finally Condongcatur village selected to represent the village in the category of Clean and Healthy Environment (LBS), and the Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBs).
Before the judging is done, subdistrict and village heads took time to review RW 08, including nutrient gardens. Not to forget, they also had their pictures taken together in front of nutrient gardens. After the subdistrict and village heads took pictures together, not to be outdone, the PKK has been dominated by woman took we-fie photo. Nowadays, it seems that the nutrient gardens will become a new spot in RW 08 to be used as a selfie place of citizens.
Newsroom/Dian Ekawati