oleh | Sep 7, 2018 | News

[:ID]LOMBOK. Ini adalah dua relawan Rumah Zakat dari Semarang Ranum Estee Putri Perdani (25) dan Hilfa Azmi Syahidah (24) selalu terlihat bersama. Ternyata, mereka memang ditugaskan sejak 18 Agustus 2018 bersama-sama menolong korban gempa Lombok dan dipasangkan dalam setiap aksinya.

Ranum dan Hilfa sendiri masing-masing merasa saling melengkapi dalam posisinya sebagai relawan. “Sebagai tim, Hilfa sebagai tenaga medis dan saya sebagai tim trauma healing”, ujar Ranum.

Selain mengurangi rasa takut pengungsi khususnya anak-anak saat berada di sekolah dan menumbuhkan kepercayaan diri, mereka juga melatih dan mengedukasi perilaku hidup sehat pasca gempa. Dua dasar keilmuan yang berbeda tersebut membuat mereka semakin melengkapi saat menjadi relawan ataupun dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

“Kami tak hanya berpartner dalam relawan, namun dalam kehidupan sehari-haripun kami sering bersama. Semua hal kami diskusikan dan komunikasikan bersama selama berkawan dan bertim khususnya pada saat bertugas”, tambah Ranum.

Hal yang sama dilontarkan pula oleh Hilfa, dia merasa perbedaan latar belakang ilmu justru makin membuat keduanya saling membutuhkan khususnya saat menangani korban bencana gempa Lombok.

“Justru perbedaan latar belakang ilmu yang membuat kita ditugaskan bersama, jadi ya kami memang sepaket”, kata Hilfa sambil tertawa.

Saat ditanya mengenai kondisi pengungsi, mereka berdua menjawab penyakit mulai menjangkit karena udara yang tidak sehat. Diare, batuk, pilek, dan penyakit kulit gatal gatal sudah mulai dirasakan warga karena minimnya persediaan air di beberapa tempat yang pernah mereka kunjungi.

Tapi meskipun kondisi di Lombok belum sepenuhnya normal, mereka berpesan supaya warga jangan takut untuk datang.

“Karena dengan kedatangan orang lain yang akan membantu atau sekedar berkunjung ke Lombok, itu menjadi penambah semangat mereka untuk segera bangkit dan menata kembali kehidupannya” ujar Ranum.

Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]LOMBOK. These are two volunteer of Rumah Zakat from Semarang Ranum Estee Putri Perdani (25) and Hilfa Azmi Syahidah (24) always seen together. Apparently, they were assigned since August 18, 2018 to jointly help the Lombok earthquake victims and be paired in every action.

Ranum and Hilfa themselves each felt complementary in their position as volunteers. “As a team, Hilfa is a medical officer and I am a trauma healing team,” Ranum said.

In addition to reducing the fear of refugees, especially children while in school and fostering self-confidence, they also train and educate healthy living behavior after the earthquake. These two different scientific bases make them more complete when volunteering or in everyday life.

“We not only partner in volunteers, but even in our daily lives we are often together. We discuss everything and communicate together during friendship and teaming, especially when on duty,”added Ranum.

The same thing was expressed by Hilfa, she felt that the difference in science background actually made them need each other especially when dealing with the victims of the Lombok earthquake disaster.

“It is precisely the difference in background of science that makes us assigned together, so yes we are indeed a package”, Hilfa said with a laugh.

When asked about the condition of the refugees, they both answered that the disease began to spread due to unhealthy air. Diarrhea, cough, runny nose, and itchy skin disease have started to be felt by the people because of the lack of water supply in some places they have visited.

But even though conditions in Lombok have not been completely normal, they advised that citizens should not be afraid to come.

“Because with the arrival of other people who will help or just visit Lombok, it becomes their spirit to immediately get up and reorganize their lives,” Ranum said.


Lailatul Istikhomah[:]