oleh | Sep 20, 2018 | News

[:ID]ACEH. Kamis, (20/09) PT Pertamina (Persero) bersama Rumah Zakat meresmikan Program Pertamina Sehati dan menyalurkan Sarana dan Prasarana Posyandu Mesjid Raya, Desa Meunasah Mon, Kecamatan Mesjid Raya, Aceh Besar, Aceh.

Peserta undangan yang hadir mulai dari pihak kecamatan yang diwakili oleh sekcam, kemudian dari puskesmas kecamatan, Danramil serta sekdes Meunasah Mon kec mesjid Raya.

Tujuan dari program ini yaitu meningkatkan taraf derajat kesehatan ibu – ibu bayi dan balita masyarakat desa Mon khususnya yang berada pada Wilayah Operasi Pertamina Ring I TBBM Krueng Raya serta memberikan akses penunjang kebutuhan bayi dan balita serta ibu hamil berupa penambahan PMT dan Pelatihan kader posyandu agar ilmu yang didapat bisa diaplikasikan kedalam masyarkat desa Mon nantinya.

Bantuan di berikan secara simbolis oleh pihak Pertamina kepada Bidan Desa Meunasah Mon yaitu berupa satu set alat chek metabolik, 5 (lima) buah meja posyandu, satu timbangan dewasa dan balita, satu alat pengukur tinggi badan, satu set permainan edukatif balita, satu set alat -alat tulis, satu buah kamera digital, satu set name table, satu set poster posyandu dan alat pendukung lainya.

Pada acara ini juga turut hadir Operation Head (OH) PT.Pertamina (Persero) MOR l TBBM Krueng Raya Bpk. Suarno, Sekcam Mesjid Raya, Bpk. Mulyadi, SH, Puskesmas Kecamatan ibu Leni, Branch Manager Rumah Zakat Aceh Bpk Riadhi.

“Saya sangat mendukung program CSR Pertamina TBBM Krung Raya dalam program Revitalisasi Posyandu semoga kedepan bisa lebih banyak Posyandu yg bisa dibantu” kata bpk. Mulyadi selaku sekretaris camat yang hadir.

“Merupakan program CSR Pertamina dlm bidang Kesehatan semoga Posyandu di meunasah Mon makin maju dan ibu – ibu balita serta anak – anak nya makin sehat” ujar pak Suarno

Kepala Puskesmas mewakili dari puskesmas kecamatan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pertamina dan Rumah Zakat, ia berharap bantuan yang telah diberikan dapat bermanfaat bagi perkembangan posyandu desa Mon dan bagi kader – kader posyandu nantinya.

Yadi / Lailatul Istikhomah[:en] ACEH. Thursday, (20/09) PT Pertamina (Persero) and Rumah Zakat inaugurated the Pertamina Sehati Program and distributed Posyandu Mesjid Raya Facilities and Infrastructure in Meunasah Mon Village, Mesjid Raya District, Aceh Besar, Aceh.

Invitaed participants who attended the event are from the sub-district which was represented by village secretary, then from the subdistrict health center, the Danramil and the Meunasah Mon district secretary in the Grand Mosque.

The aim of this program is to improve the health level of mothers, infants and toddlers, the people of Mon village, especially those in the TBBM Pertamina Ring I Operation Area, Krueng Raya and provide supporting access to the needs of infants and toddlers and pregnant women in the form of additional PMT and Posyandu cadre training so that knowledge what can be obtained can be applied to the community of Mon Village later.

The aid was symbolically given by Pertamina to the Meunasah Mon Village Midwife in the form of a set of metabolic check kits, 5 (five) posyandu tables, one adult and toddler scales, one height measuring device, a set of toddler educational games, a set of tools writing, one digital camera, a set name table, a posyandu poster set and other supporting tools.


Also present at this event was Operation Head (OH) PT .Pertamina (Persero) MOR l TBBM Krueng Raya Bpk. Suarno, Sekcam Raya Mosque, Mr. Mulyadi, SH, Puskesmas Kecamatan Ibu Leni, Branch Manager of Rumah Zakat Aceh, Mr. Riadhi.

“I strongly support Pertamina TBBM Krung Raya’s CSR program in the Posyandu Revitalization program, hopefully in the future more Posyandu can be helped,” said the father. Mulyadi as the secretary of the subdistrict head was present.

“It is Pertamina’s CSR program in the field of Health, hopefully the Posyandu in meunasah Mon will be more advanced and mothers and toddlers and children will be healthier” said Pak Suarno

The head of the Puskesmas representing the sub-district health center thanked pertamina and Rumah Zakat, he hoped the assistance that had been given could be beneficial for the development of the Posyandu in Mon village and for the posyandu cadres later.



Yadi / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]