oleh | Nov 19, 2018 | News

[:ID]PALU. Sebagai salah Satu bentuk kepedulian  terhadap para korban Gempa di Palu , Sigi dan Donggala  PT Perta Samtan Gas bersama Rumah Zakat melaksanakan kegiatan aksi bencana  berupa layanan Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Gratis , bantuan pangan dan logistic serta dapur umum.

Kegiatan- kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan di tiga kota yang terdampak yakni Kota Palu, Sigi dan Donggala. Kegiatan Layanan kesehatan di laksanakan pada tanggal 18 Oktober 2018, berlokasi di tiga lokasi yaitu , Kel. Duyu Kec. Palu, Kota Palu, Desa Lambudolo Lapangan Kola, Kec.Banawa tengah, Kab Donggala dan Desa Lolu Kec. Sigi biro maru Kab. Sigi tiap.

Sedangakan untuk kegiatan penyaluran Bantuan pangan dan Logistik di lakukan pada tanggal 19 oktober 2018 berlokasi  di Desa Panau Kec. Palu utara, Desa Mantikole, Sigi dan Desa Salomba Kec. Banawa.

Warga sangat merasa diperhatikan dengan pelayanan kesehatan ini. Tercatat ada 200 warga mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan. Selain itu anak – anak yang ada dipengungsian juga dikumpulkan untuk di cek kesehatannya, diberikan Vitamin dan diberikan tambahan makan tambahan berupa Susu UHT dan Biskuit serta trauma healing.

“Terimakasih PT Pertam Gas, acara seperti ini sangat bermanfaat untuk kami, kami sangat bersyukur sekali diberi pengobatan gratis semoga kedepannya akan selalu ada” ujar salah  satu pengungsi.

Ke esokannya tanggal 19 Oktober 2018 kegiatan Aksi peduli Bencana PT Perta Samtan Gas di lanjutkan dengan Aksi penyaluran Bantuan Pangan dan Logistik berupa Beras, Air Mineral , sosis, Biskuit, terpal ( tenda ) dan selimut.


Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]PALU. As one form of concern for the victims of the earthquake in Palu, Sigi and Donggala PT Perta Samtan Gas with Rumah Zakat carry out disaster action activities in the form of Free Health Screening services, food and logistics assistance and public kitchens.

These activities were carried out in three affected cities, namely Palu City, Sigi and Donggala. Health service activities carried out on October 18, 2018, located in three locations, namely, Ex. Duyu Kec. Palu, Palu City, Lambudolo Village, Kola Field, Central Java District, Donggala District and Lolu Village District. Sigi maru district, Sigi.

While the distribution of food and logistics assistance was carried out on October 19, 2018 in Panau Village, Kec. North Palu, Mantikole Village, Sigi and Salomba Village, Kec. Banawa.

Residents really feel cared for with this health service. Recorded there are 200 residents getting health services. In addition, the children in the refugee camp were also collected to check their health, given Vitamins and were given additional food in the form of UHT Milk and Biscuits and trauma healing.

“Thank you PT Pertam Gas, an event like this is very useful for us, we are very grateful to be given free treatment. Hopefully in the future the activity could be carried out again” said one of the refugees.

The next day, on October 19, 2018, the Disaster Care Action program of PT Perta Samtan Gas was continued with the distribution of Food and Logistics Assistance in the form of Rice, Mineral Water, sausages, Biscuits, tarps (tents) and blankets.


Lailatul Istikhomah[:]