The Influence of Zakat on Quality Economic Growth

oleh | Des 6, 2024

Informasi Hasil Penelitian


The Influence of Zakat on Quality Economic Growth

Penulis:Abdussalam, Aditya Rahmat Gunawan, Siti Mulyani Hasanah
Tanggal Terbit:2024



The increase in national economic growth does not appear to be maximal accompanied by the quality of growth, so the role of zakat is an alternative solution to encourage and trigger quality economic growth. Indicators of quality economic growth are decreasing poverty levels, equal distribution of people’s income, reducing unemployment, maintaining environmental sustainability, and increasing the quality of human resources. The aim of this research is to verify, analyze, and describe the influence of zakat on quality economic growth, both the influence of zakat nationally and the influence of zakat collected by Rumah Zakat. This research is descriptive research using a quantitative approach. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used is simple regression with the help of SPSS 26. The type of data used is panel data for 7 years. Data sources come from the official website of Baznas, Rumah Zakat, and BPS-Statistics Indonesia. The results of this research conclude that national zakat collection has a significant effect on economic growth, a unidirectional relationship for every 1 percent increase in zakat collected will increase economic growth by 0.277 percent. Then the collection of zakat by Rumah Zakat has a significant effect on economic growth, a unidirectional relationship for every 1 percent increase in zakat collected will increase economic growth by 0.018 percent. The implication of this research is that zakat has a positive contribution and is able to demonstrate its role as an instrument of Islamic philanthropy to encourage quality economic growth.