[:ID]INDOPOS.CO.ID – Di hari ke-4 masa tanggap darurat, Sabtu (10/12), Relawan RZ kembali menggelar aksi siaga sehat untuk warga terdampak Gempa di Kecamatan Mereudu. Sebanyak 488 warga yang membutuhkan pemeriksaan medis berhasil di layani oleh Relawan Medis RZ.
Selain menggelar aksi siaga sehat, Relawan RZ juga masih terus melanjutkan proses evakuasi dan pembersihan reruntuhan bangunan bersama Badan SAR Nasional (Basarnas) dan relawan lainnya. “Sebagai recovery awal paska bencana, kita mulai membersihkan puing-puing bangunan yang ambruk akibat Gempa, agar proses recovery lanjutan bisa segera dilakukan,” ujar Dhika, Relawan RZ, Sabtu (10/12).
Mengingat jumlah pengungsi yang terus bertambah mencapai 65.064 orang yang tersebar di 94 titik, tim Dapur Umum RZ pun meningkatkan kapasitas produksinya. “Alhamdulillah, kami mendapatkan banyak bantuan tenaga dari warga sekitar, sehingga kami bisa memproduksi 11.900 paket nasi untuk pengungsi,” ungkap Fakhrur Razi, Koordinator Relawan RZ Aceh.
Tim Relawan RZ lainnya yang terus semangat melayani para petugas dan relawan yang sedang melakukan evakuasi adalah tim posko segar. Hingga hari ke-4, posko segar RZ ini telah melayani 600 petugas dan relawan. “Terima kasih ya teman-teman Relawan RZ, poskonya dekat dengan lokasi evakuasi, jadi kami mudah saat membutuhkan minuman dan makanan ringan,” tutur seorang Polisi yang bertugas.
Tak jauh dari posko pengungsi di kawasan Masjid Gambong Tuha, terdengar riuh tawa anak-anak. Ternyata, anak-anak terdampak Gempa sedang asik bermain sambil belajar di Sekolah Senyum yang didirikan oleh Relawan RZ. Sebanyak 45 anak nampak antusias mengikuti berbagai games yang dibawakan kakak-kakak Relawan. “Semoga kegiatan ini dapat sedikit menghibur mereka dan menghilangkan rasa trauma yang mereka alami akibat Gempa,” jelas Razi.
Sumber: http://nusa.indopos.co.id/read/2016/12/10/78108/Pos-Kesehatan-Rumah-Zakat-Layani-488-Warga-Dampak-Gempa-Aceh[:en]INDOPOS.CO.ID On the 4th day of the emergency response phase, Saturday (12/10), RZ Volunteer re-staged a healthy standby for earthquake affected residents in the District Mereudu, A total of 488 citizens who need medical examination successfully examined by RZ Medical Volunteers.
Besides staged a healthy standby, RZ Volunteers also still continue the process of evacuation and cleaning of debris along with National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) and other volunteers. “As the initial post-disaster recovery, we started clearing the rubble of buildings that collapsed due to the earthquake, so that continued recovery process can be done,” said Dhika, RZ Volunteer, Saturday (12/10).
Given the growing number of refugees reached 65 064 people, spread in 94 points, RZ public Kitchen team also increase its production capacity. “Alhamdulillah, we get a lot of help from people around, so we can produce 11,900 packets of rice to refugees,” said Razi Fakhrur, Volunteer Coordinator of RZ Aceh.
Other RZ‘s Volunteer Team continues the spirit of serving officers and volunteers who were conducting an evacuation is fresh posts team. Until the 4th day, RZ ‘s fresh post has served 600 officers and volunteers. “Thank you Volunteer RZ, the post close to the evacuation site, so we can easily having drinks and snacks when we need,” said a policeman on duty.
Not far from the refugee shelter in Gambong Tuha mosque, sounded boisterous laughter of children. Apparently, children affected by the earthquake were enjoying to play while studying at Sekolah Senyum was founded by volunteers. A total of 45 children looked enthusiastic participate in various games that brought by Volunteers. “We hope this activity can help to entertain them and relieve the trauma they experienced as a result of earthquake,” said Razi.
Source: http://nusa.indopos.co.id/read/2016/12/10/78108/Pos-Kesehatan-Rumah-Zakat-Layani-488-Warga-Dampak-Gempa-Aceh[:]