Perawatan kulit semakin beraneka ragam, mulai dari sekedar perawatan harian hingga yang menjanjikan kecantikan Anda akan bertambah setelahnya. Namun untuk Anda yang masih menyukai perawatan kulit alami dan tidak membuang banyak uang, coba saja makan beberapa buah ini, seperti dilansir dari
Buah tropis ini tentu sangat mudah ditemui di Indonesia dan tentu harganya tidak akan menguras kantong. Pepaya memiliki keunggulan bisa mencegah kerutan, selain itu mengandung beta karoten, vitamin C, flavonoid, folat, kalium, dan magnesium. Kandungan nutrisi di atas sangat baik untuk produksi kolagen dan protein yang akan merawat kulit cantik Anda.
Bayangkan segelas penuh jus alpukat kemudian ditambahkan susu cokelat. Bisa Anda bayangkan betapa lezatnya minuman itu, selain jus alpukat yang lezat dan menyegarkan, Anda juga mendapatkan manfaat untuk perawatan kulit lho. Lemak tak jenuh tunggal yang ada pada aplukat membantu melembapkan kulit, apalagi ketika Anda berada di lokasi outdoor, jangan ragu untuk memesan jus alpukat agar kulit Anda tetap lembab dan cantik.
Buah ini sangat direkomendasikan untuk sarapan Anda dengan mencampurnya bersama sereal gandum. Strawberry dengan rasa manisnya juga mengandung vitamin C tinggi, antioksidan, dan juga senyawa yang menetralkan radikal bebas di dalam tubuh. Radikal bebas jika dibiarkan menumpuk di dalam kulit akan merusak sel-sel termasuk sel kulit. Kalau ingin menghindari sedikit rasa asam pada strawberry, Anda bisa mengkonsumsinya dengan jus, tambahkan susu atau whipped cream.
As far as skincare goes, new trends pop up all the time. But one recent trend could have implications for better health for the entire body, including its largest organ, the skin.
A crop of local farmers’ markets has increased as of late, and with it comes access to wholesome fruits and vegetables. And some of the same fruit you may enjoy eating with breakfast or for a healthy snack could have added benefits for your skin.
So why spend a lot of money on products when you can brighten, tighten and reduce wrinkly skin the easy way? The following are five fruits that aren’t just good for the body, they’re excellent for healthy skin, too.
• Papaya: This tropical fruit is known to have properties that help firm up skin and prevent sagging. Papaya has beta-carotene, vitamin C, flavonoids, folate, potassium and magnesium. Of the fruits on this list, all have some amount of vitamin C, but papaya is considered an excellent source. This vitamin is essential to the body’s production of collagen, a protein that gives skin its firmness.
• Avocado: Because they’re more savory than sweet, avocados are often confused as a vegetable. But these green orbs are actually a fruit, one of a tropical nature like papaya. The key to an avocado’s benefit to skin cells are the high levels of monounsaturated fat, considered a “good” fat. Monounsaturated fats help moisturize skin and replace oil that gets removed when washing.
• Strawberry: Next on the list is one of spring and summer’s most sought-after treasures, strawberries. Known for their sweetness, strawberries are a great addition to a bowl of whole grain cereal. But hiding behind that sweetness is a host of health-boosting vitamins and minerals. In addition to high concentrations of vitamin C, strawberries are rich in antioxidants; compounds that help neutralize free radicals in the body. Free radicals are broken down molecules that can cause damage to cells, including skin cells. In one study of 12 popular fruits, strawberries ranked the highest in antioxidant content, more than grapes, apples or tomatoes.