[:ID]PROBOLINGGO. Di hari ke tiga penyembelihan yang bertepatan dengan tanggal 12 Dzulhijjah 1438 H, sebanyak 1500 kambing dan 250 sapi akan disembelih di peternakan yang jadi pusat produksi Superqurban.
“Hingga hari kedua penyembelihan di hari Sabtu kemarin (2/9), sebanyak 550 sapi dan 3300 kambing telah disembelih dan masuk ke proses pembekuan.
Hari ketiga ini 1500 kambing dan 250 sapi akan disembelih, semoga semua berjalan dengan lancar,” jelas Deni Wahyudi, Koordinator Produksi Superqurban.
Penyembelihan hewan qurban dalam proses Superqurban ini direncanakan akan selesai di hari tasyrik ke-3 besok Senin (4/09).
“Setelah semua proses penyembelihan selesai, dan seluruh daging telah dibekukan, maka proses pembuatan kornet dan rendang akan mulai dilakukan,” ungkap Deni.
Newsroom / Ria Arianti
Probolinggo[:en]PROBOLINGGO. On the third day of slaughtering that coincides with the 12th Dzulhijjah 1438 H, 1500 goats and 250 cows will be slaughtered on a farm that became the center of Superqurban production.
“Until the second day of slaughtering on Saturday (09/02), 550 cows and 3300 goats have been slaughtered and entered into the freezing process.This third day 1500 goats and 250 cows will be slaughtered, hopefully all goes well, “said Deni Wahyudi, Coordinator of Superqurban Production.
Slaughter of qurbani animals in the Superqurban process is planned to be completed in the 3rd tasyrik tomorrow Monday (4/09).
“After all the slaughtering process is complete, and all meat has been frozen, then the process of making corned beef and rendang will start to be done,” said Deni.
Newsroom / Ria Arianti