[:ID]JAKARTA. Relawan Rumah Zakat Jakarta Barat menyalurkan bantuan untuk para korban kebakaran di Krukut Taman Sari, Jakarta Barat. Kebakaran terjadi karena salah satu warga yang terjadi konflik masalah warisan sehingga warga tersebut membakar rumahnya dan api menyambar ke rumah warga lain. Terdapat 2.409 jiwa yang terkena dampak kebakaran tersebut.
“12 relawan Rumah Zakat bergerak pada pukul 11.00 Wib menyalurkan 160 kaleng kornet Superqurban dan pakaian layak pakai,” ungkap Sayid Efendi Koordinator Relawan Jakarta Barat. Bersamaan penyaluran tersebut, Relawan melakukan survey kebutuhan mendesak dari warga terdampak kebakaran. Sabtu (27/01/2018).
Mendapatkan informasi tentang kebutuhan yang mendesak dari korban kebakaran, Relawan bergerak untuk belanja ke pasar terdekat untuk berbelanja. Beberapa barang yang dibeli diantaranya popok bayi, pembalut wanita, susu kotak, minuman segar, pakaian dalam, biskuit, air mineral dan alat tulis.
“Alhamdulilah, Saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada Rumah Zakat. Semoga bantuan ini bisa sangat bermanfaat untuk para korban bencana kebakaran,” ungkap koordinator Posko Kodim.
Newsroom/ Sayid Efendi
Jakarta[:en]JAKARTA. Volunteers of Rumah Zakat West Jakarta distributed aid to the victims of fire at Krukut Taman Sari, West Jakarta. The fire occurred because one of the residents happened to conflict the legacy problem. The Residents burned his house and the fire grabbed into the home of another citizen. There were 2,409 people affected by the fires.
“12 volunteers Rumah Zakat moved at 11:00 WIB channel 160 cans of Superqurban corned beef and clothing worth wearing,” said Sayid Efendi Volunteer Coordinator of West Jakarta. Along with the distribution, Volunteers conducted a survey of urgent needs of residents affected by fire. Saturday (27/01/2018).
Getting information about the urgent needs of fire victims, Volunteers move to shopping to nearby markets for shopping. Some items purchased include baby diapers, sanitary napkins, box milk, fresh drinks, underwear, biscuits, mineral water and stationery.
“Alhamdulillah, thank you. Hopefully this help can be very beneficial for the victims of the fire disaster,” said coordinator of Kodim Command Post.
Newsroom / Sayid Efendi