[:ID]WONOGIRI. Rumah Zakat melalui Fasilitator Desa Berdaya Puhpelem, Kecamatan Puhpelem, Kabupaten Wonogiri menyalurkan Program Kebun Gizi, Selasa (15/08) di Rumah ketua RT 03/06, Dusun Randukuning.
Kebun gizi adalah salah satu program yang memanfaatkan lahan di sekitar pekarangan rumah untuk ditanami sayur-sayuran. Dari program tersebut, warga mendapatkan bantuan berupa bibit sayur-sayuran siap tanam diantaranya berupa bibit cabai, terong, bunga kol, biji sawi, dan biji kangkung.
Selain itu, Rumah Zakat juga memfasilitasi 1 kwintal polibag untuk 208 Kepala keluarga di dusun Randukuning. Setiap KK mendapat 20 kantong polibag beserta bibitnya.
Program Kebun Gizi ini sangat diapresiasi oleh warga masyarakat. Bapak Markin, Ketua RT 03/06, Dusun Randukuning sangat berterimakasih karena ada bantuan dari Rumah Zakat.
“Kebun Gizi kedepannya akan sangat membantu sekali bagi warga Dusun Randukuning, mereka bisa berhemat untuk belanja sayuran. Pengeluaran untuk membeli sayur bisa dialihkan untuk kebutuhan lainya. Bayangkan apabila sehari rata-rata ada 3 pedagang sayur keliling di lingkungan sekitar, berarti warganya minimal belanja 3 kali sehari hanya untuk beli sayur, padahal warga sekitar berprofesi sebagai petani. Kalau bisa berhemat sayur, uangnya kan bisa di tabung,” pungkasnya.
[:en]WONOGIRI. Rumah Zakat through Empowered Village Facilitator in Puhpelem Village, Puhpelem Sub-district, Wonogiri Regency distributed Nutrition Garden (Kebun Gizi) Program on Tuesday (15/08) at the House of Head RT 03/06, Randukuning Village.
Nutrition garden is one of the programs that utilize the land around the house yard for planting vegetables. From the program, residents get help in the form of seeds of vegetables ready to plant such as chili seeds, eggplant, cauliflower, mustard seeds.
In addition, Rumah Zakat also facilitates 1 quintal of poly bags for 208 families in Randukuning hamlet. Each KK gets 20 poly bag bags and its seeds.
The Nutrition Program is highly appreciated by the people. Mr. Markin, Head RT 03/06, Randukuning Hamlet is very grateful for the help from Rumah Zakat.
“Nutrition Garden in the future will be very helpful for the people of Randukuning Hamlet, they can save money for vegetable shopping. to buy vegetables can be diverted for other needs. Imagine if an average day there are 3 vegetable vendors around the neighborhood, meaning that people spend at least 3 times a day just to buy vegetables, whereas people living around as farmers. If you can save the vegetables, your money can be saved, “he concluded.
Newsroom / Kuna