[:ID]MEDAN. Sebagai bentuk kepedulian terhadap pendidikan anak, RZĀ melakukan kegiatan penyaluran Educare Non Program. Kegiatan ini berupa penyaluran perlengkapan sekolah berupa tas, buku, tempat pensil, pulpen, rautan, penghapus dan tipe-x serta uang saku kepada anak yatim.
Kegiatan tersebut dilakukan pada hari Rabu (16/11) di RZ Cabang Medan Lt. 1, tepatnya di Jl. Setia Budi No. 32 D. Adapun jumlah penerima manfaat dalam penyaluran Educare tersebut sebanyak 10 orang yang merupakan anak yatim tingkat SD dan SMP yang tinggal tidak terlaku jauh dari Lokasi penyaluran.
āAlhamdulillah bisa ganti tas baru, ada buku baru sama perlengkapan lainnya. Terima kasih banyak donator dan RZ, insya Allah sangat berguna buat saya. Semoga terus ditambah rezekinya ya.” ungkap Yudha Ahmad Ghazali (9), salah satu penerima manfaat.
Medan[:en]MEDAN Medan. As a form of concern for children’s education, RZ conducted Educare Non Program distribution . This activity is the distribution of school supplies such as bags, books, pencil, pen, sharpener, eraser and type-x and allowances to orphans.
The activity was conducted on Wednesday (16/11) at RZ Medan Branch, exactly on Jl. Setia Budi No. 32 D. The number of beneficiaries in the Educare distribution is 10 people who are orphans in elementary and junior high school level who lived not far from distribution are.
“Thank God I can have a new bag, there are new books and other school supplies. Thank you very much donator and RZ, Insya Allah, this is very useful for me. Hopefully you are rewarded with abundance sustenance from Allah. “Said Yudha Ahmad Ghazali (9), one of the beneficiaries.