Ibadah puasa adalah salah satu kewajiban bagi setiap umat Muslim yang beriman. Semua Muslim memiliki kewajiban yang sama untuk berpuasa.
Namun, bagaimana ibadah puasa bagi diabetisi atau seorang dengan penyakit Diabetes Melitus (DM)? Berikut ini kiat dan tips yang diberikan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam RSI Sultan Agung, Hj Nur Anna CS.
Menurut Anna, tidak ada masalah bagi seorang diabetisi yang berpuasa. Malahan dengan berpuasa, Insya Allah bakal membawa kebaikan.
“Tentunya selama asupan makanan saat berbuka dan sahur disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kalori harian dan berdasarkan petunjuk dokter,” ujarnya di Semarang, belum lama ini.
Hanya saja, ia memberi catatan, kondisi tersebut hanya aman bagi diabetesi yang kadar gula darahnya dapat dikendalikan dan hanya dengan mengatur dietnya. Begitu pula dengan diabetisi yang diwajibkan mengkonsumsi obat penurun gula darah.
Para diabetisi ini aman untuk berpuasa. Yang berubah hanya pergeseran konsumsi obat ketika sahur dan berbuka. Obat yang biasanya dikonsumsi pagi hari, dipindahkan saat berbuka puasa.
Selanjutnya, takaran kedua yang biasa dimakan sore atau siang hari dialihkan ke saat sahur dengan dosis bisa dikurangi setengahnya. Meski demikian, ia juga menyarankan agar selama berpuasa para diabetisi tetap mempertimbangkan gejala penurunan kondisi.
“Seperti merasakan gelisah, berkeringat, badan gemetar, berdebar-debar, penglihatan ganda, maka secepatnya berkonsultasi dengan dokter atau klinik kesehatan terdekat supaya mendapatkan pertolongan pertama,” tambah Anna.
Sumber: republika.co.id
During Ramadan, the gap between meals ranges from 12 to 15 hours, which can be a problem since diabetics are advised to have regular and timely meals. Dr Roshani Sanghani, Consultant Endocronologists at Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai explains, “This year Ramadan has arrived in the month of June and will go on till July.
Owing to the daylight hours, the fasting period has gone up. So the first step for a diabetic planning to fast should be to consult his or her doctor and buy a blood sugar meter. The doctor will be able to guide you properly, if it is safe for you to fast.”
Fasting results in metabolic changes and hence it is important to adjust the diabetes management plan. Explains Dr. A. K. Jhingan, Diabetologist, Primis Hospital and Chairman, Delhi Diabetes Research Center, “Diabetics must monitor their blood sugar levels multiple times in a day and consult their doctor at the slightest doubt.”
Patients with Type 1 diabetes who have a history of recurrent hypoglycemia are at a higher risk if they fast. Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia may also occur in patients with Type 2 diabetes but less frequently and with less severe consequences as compared to patients with Type 1 diabetes.
Here are some food tips that diabetics should follow during Ramadan:
– Frequent monitoring of blood sugar level is key to safe fasting for diabetics. It is critical for patients to monitor their blood sugar level multiple times through the day.
– Do not overeat. One of the main reasons behind Ramadan fasting is to learn to curb your desires and tune in to Allah and pay attention to body signals and understand hunger.
– At Iftar, break your fast with sugar-free and decaffeinated drinks to rehydrate your body and avoid dehydration.
– Limit the consumption of sweets during Ramadan.
– Include fruits, vegetables, pulses and curd in your diet.
– Do not sleep soon after your dinner; allow an interval of 2 hours. Avoid complex carbs right before bedtime.
– Ensure right nutrient intake at the time of Sehri. Suggested items include whole grain bread, whole grain low sugar cereals, beans and lentils.
– Avoid deep fried foods such as parantha, puri, samosa, chwera and pakoras. Starch containing items such as rice and wheat chapatti can be consumed. But time them right.
Here are some signs you need to watch out for:
– Sudden fall in blood sugar levels (hypoglycaemia), causing seizures and unconsciousness.
– An inordinate increase in blood sugar levels (hyperglycaemia) causing blurry vision, headache, increased fatigue and thirst.
– Diabetic ketoacidosis, a potentially life-threatening complication causing vomiting, dehydration and coma.
– Thrombosis which leads to formation of a blood clot inside blood vessels, potentially a precursor to organ damage and even death.
It is worth reemphasizing that fasting during Ramadan is a personal choice for diabetics. The decision should be made keeping in mind religious guidelines for exemption and after careful medical consultation to ensure a safe and healthy Ramadan.
Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/diet/Ramadan-fasting-tips-for-diabetics/articleshow/47784100.cms