oleh | Okt 25, 2017 | News

[:ID]PEKANBARU. (25/10) Rumah Zakat memiliki 2 Desa Berdaya di Pekanbaru, yaitu Desa Simpang Tiga yang fokus di bidang kesehatan dan Desa Okura yang fokus di bidang Ekonomi.

Ada 35 member binaan yang mendapat bantuan usaha di Okura. Lokasi Okura yang sulit dijangkau karena berada di daerah perkebunan kelapa sawit membuat tingkat perekonomian warganya termasuk yang paling rendah di Pekanbaru.

“Sebagian besar warga Okura berprofesi sebagai buruh serabutan yang penghasilannya kecil dan tak menentu. Oleh sebab itu, sejak tahun 2013, kami menggulirkan program ekonomi di sana,” jelas Aperta Rajif Mahendra, Fasilitator Desa Berdaya Rumah Zakat untuk Okura.

Kini geliat ekonomi di Okura semakin terlihat. Beberapa member binaan Rumah Zakat mulai merasakan peningkatan di bidang ekonomi, salah satunya Pak Tarto yang omzet baksonya kini telah mencapai Rp700.000-Rp1.000.000 per hari.

Newsroom/ Ria Arianti

Pekanbaru[:en]PEKANBARU. (25/10) Rumah Zakat has 2 Desa Berdaya in Pekanbaru, Simpang Tiga Village which focuses on health sector and Okura Village which focus on Economy.

There are 35 members who get assistance in Okura. Okura location is difficult to reach because it is located in the oil palm plantation area to make the economic level of its citizens, including the lowest in Pekanbaru.

“Most of the Okura residents work as casual laborers whose income is small and erratic, so since 2013, we have rolled out the economic program there,” said Aperta Rajif Mahendra, Rumah Zakat Facilitator for Okura.

Now the economic strain in Okura is increasingly visible. Some of the members of Rumah Zakat started to feel the increase in the economy, one of which Mr. Tarto whose turnover of his Bakso business has now reached Rp700.000-Rp1.000.000 per day.

Newsroom / Ria Arianti
