oleh | Mar 21, 2016 | News

KEDIRI. PadPEKAN BERBAGI SENYUM AHLI TEKNIK KUNJUNGI MEMBER BINAAN RZa hari Ahad (20/03) kemarin, RZ Kediri melaksanakan kegiatan Pekan Berbagi Senyum (PBS). Kegiatan ini akan dilaksanakan selama sepekan dari tanggal 20 hingga 26 Maret 2016.

Kegiatan tersebut telah terlaksana di 20 kota, yang melibatkan para peserta yang telah mendaftar pada periode pendaftaran tanggal 1 – 10 Maret 2016 lalu.

Kegiatan PBS di kota Kediri dilaksanakan dengan tema Lingkungan dan Wirausaha. Peserta PBS yang mengikuti yaitu Bapak Trismoe, yang diajak oleh RZ untuk mengunjungi salah satu wirausaha binaan RZ Kediri. Pak Trismoe diajak mengunjungi rumah Bapak Mukhson sebagai salah satu member binaan yang memiliki usaha pembuatan kripik ceker dan kripik usus.

Banyak sekali saran yang diberikan dari Bapak Trismoe, beliau merupakan Sarjana Teknik Mesin mengenai teknologi sederhana yang digunakan dalam proses produksi agar lebih efektif dan efisien. Bapak Mukhson menyambut saran ini dengan antusias, apalagi saran yang diberikan cukup sederhana dan memungkinkan diterapkan tanpa harus mengeluarkan banyak biaya.

“Bapak Mukhson sudah cukup bagus penggunaan teknologi sederhananya, hanya perlu sedikit sentuhan agar efektif dan efisien proses produksinya,” kata Bapak Trismoe sebagai peserta PBS di kota Kediri. Kegiatan ini akan terus terlaksana hingga satu pekan kedepan, sebagai kegiatan yang memberikan sarana bagi sobat untuk berbagi dan berinteraksi dengan masyrakat binaan RZ. Selain pengalaman yang menarik, sobat dapat merasakan nikmatnya berbagi.***



KEDIRI. PadPEKAN BERBAGI SENYUM AHLI TEKNIK KUNJUNGI MEMBER BINAAN RZa hari Ahad (20/03) Sunday (03/20) yesterday, RZ Kediri conducted Smiles Sharing Week (PBS). This activity will be held for a week from 20 – 26 March, 2016.

This activity has been carried out in 20 cities, involving participants who have signed up at the registration on 1 – 10 March, 2016 last.

PBS activities in the town of Kediri held with the theme of Environment and Entrepreneurship. Participants who participated in PBS, are Mr Trismoe, who was invited by RZ to visit one of the entrepreneurs under RZ Kediri guidance. Mr. Trismoe invited to visit the house of Mr. Mukhson as one of the members that have built the business of making claw chip and intestine chip.

Lots of advice given from Mr. Trismoe, he was a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, and he advice me about simple technology that can be used in the production process to make the production become more effective and efficient. Mr. Mukhson welcomed this suggestion with enthusiasm. Especially the advice given is quite simple and can be applied without having to spend a lot of cost.

“Mr. Mukhson has been pretty good in using simple technology, he just need a little touch to be more effective and efficient in production process,” said Mr. Trismoe as participants of PBS in Kediri. This activity will continue to happen until the weeks ahead, as activities that provide a means for you to share and interact with the community under RZ guidance. In addition to an interesting experience, you can feel the joy of sharing. ***

Sunday (03/20) yesterday, RZ Kediri conducted Smiles Sharing Week (PBS). This activity will be held for a week from 20 – 26 March, 2016.

This activity has been carried out in 20 cities, involving participants who have signed up at the registration on 1 – 10 March, 2016 last.

PBS activities in the town of Kediri held with the theme of Environment and Entrepreneurship. Participants who participated in PBS, are Mr Trismoe, who was invited by RZ to visit one of the entrepreneurs under RZ Kediri guidance. Mr. Trismoe invited to visit the house of Mr. Mukhson as one of the members that have built the business of making claw chip and intestine chip.

Lots of advice given from Mr. Trismoe, he was a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, and he advice me about simple technology that can be used in the production process to make the production become more effective and efficient. Mr. Mukhson welcomed this suggestion with enthusiasm. Especially the advice given is quite simple and can be applied without having to spend a lot of cost.

“Mr. Mukhson has been pretty good in using simple technology, he just need a little touch to be more effective and efficient in production process,” said Mr. Trismoe as participants of PBS in Kediri. This activity will continue to happen until the weeks ahead, as activities that provide a means for you to share and interact with the community under RZ guidance. In addition to an interesting experience, you can feel the joy of sharing. ***

