SOLO. RZ melalui Relawan inspirasi Solo menggelar outbond edukatif yang bertema “Outbond Juara” bersama anak-anak penerima manfaat beasiswa ceria yang berjumlah 30 orang di Sekolah Alam Bengawan Solo, Minggu, (14/12) kemarin.
“Kegiatan kali ini merupakan kejutan buat adik-adik penerima manfaat beasiswa. Mereka yang hidup di kota dalam pemukiman padat membutuhkan suasana baru agar lebih fresh selepas tes sekolah. Outbound Juara sebagai alternatif kegiatan kali ini,” tutur Devi Afriyanti, Relawan Inspirasi.
Peserta outbond terlebih dahulu diajak untuk melakukan pemanasan, dilanjutkan dengan permainan kekompakan. Lalu mereka mengikuti beragam Fun Games. “Diakhir acara, anak-anak penerima manfaat disuguhi hasil kegiatan dari awal hingga akhir outbond,” ucap Devi.***
Newsroom/Diki Taufik
SoloSOLO.Inspiration Volunteer of RZ re-implemented educative out bond named “Outbond Juara” at Natural School of Bengawan Solo, Sunday (14/12).
30 beneficiaries of Scholarship program were invited to participate in this program. Devi Afriyanti, an Inspiration Volunteer, said that this program this program was implemented to refresh their mood after the school test.
There were several funny and interesting activities implemented in this program such as cooperative games, educative games, and fun games.
In the last session, Afriyanti invited the participants to evaluate their scores during the games. “Hopefully, they’ll be very happy here,” she said. ***