oleh | Nov 28, 2016 | Mitra Korporat, News

[:ID]mt-telkomsel-gelar-aksi-siaga-bencana-gorontalo-2GORONTALO. Pada Ahad (20/11) lalu, Majelis Taklim Telkomsel (MTT) Regional Sulawesi bersama RZ mendistribusikan bantuan logistik dan peralatan rumah tangga untuk warga terdampak banjir di Gorontalo. Aksi tersebut sebagai bentuk kepedulian bersama dalam rangka membantu meringankan beban masyarakat terdampak banjir.

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, beberapa kawasan di Kabupaten Gorontalo terendam banjir cukup parah. Sejumlah sungai meluap akibat hujan sejak Selasa (25/10) siang hingga Rabu subuh, mengakibatkan ribuan rumah dan ribuan hektar sawah terendam.

“Sungai Boyonga, Sungai Marisa, Sungai Meloopu, dan Sungai Bulota meluap bersamaan mulai magrib sekitar pukul 18.30. Arus menjadi deras, dan banjir melanda empat kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan Limboto, Limboto Barat, Pulubala, dan Tolonguhula Kabupaten Gorontalo, Provinsi Gorontalo. Di beberapa tempat, ketinggian air mencapai 50 – 100 sentimeter. Banyak warga mengungsi ke rumah-rumah lain yang tak terdampak.

Adapun bantuan Logistik yang diberikan Relawna RZ meliputi susu, roti, biskuit, air mineral, ikan kaleng dan juga panci dan wajan baru yang diperuntukkan bagi 200 penerima manfaat.

Tak hanya itu, MT Telkomsel bersama RZ juga menggelar kegiatan belajar sambil bermain untuk anak-anak terdampak banjir. Anak-anak terlihat sangat gembira bermain dengan kakak-kakak Relawan. Sebaran titik penyaluran bantuan diantaranya Kelurahan Hunggaluwa, Kelurahan Kayumerah, Kelurahan Tenilo, Kelurahan Pone, Kecamatan. Limboto, Kab. Gorontalo.

Safria Abdaulu (56), salah satu penerima manfaat mengungkapkan “Terima kasih banyak atas bantuan yang diberikan. Bantuan makanan dan alat-alat masak ini sangat bermanfaat untuk keluarga saya dan saudara-saudara saya yang lain.”

Zulkifli Nusi (23 thn), salah satu relawan yang ikut aksi menyampaikan rasa senang karena berkesempatan menjadi bagian tim penyaluran. “Peduli itu,.mereka yang mau berbagi kebahagiaan. Mereka yang mau Mendengar keluh kesah. Mereka yang jiwanya terpanggil untuk saling memberi.”

Newsroom/Herlan Wilandari
Gorontalo[:en]mt-telkomsel-gelar-aksi-siaga-bencana-gorontalo-2GORONTALO On Sunday (11/20), Majelis Taklim Telkomsel (MTT) Sulawesi Regional along with RZ distributed logistical assistance and household appliances for residents affected by flood in Gorontalo. The action carried out as a form of common concern in order to help alleviate the burden of the people affected by the flood.

As reported earlier, several areas in Gorontalo district flooded quite badly. Some rivers overflowed due to rain since Tuesday (25/10) afternoon until Wednesday morning, resulting in thousands of homes and thousands of hectares of rice fields submerged.

“Boyonga River, Marisa River, Meloopu River, and Bulota River overflowed simultaneously at the evening around 06:30 pm. Flow becomes heavy, and floods hit four sub-districts, they are Limboto, Limboto West, Pulubala, and Tolonguhula Gorontalo regency, Gorontalo province. In some places, the water level reaches 50-100 centimeters. Many residents fled to other houses were not affected.

As for logistics assistance that had been given by RZ volunteer includes milk, bread, biscuits, mineral water, canned fish and also new pots and pans were destined for 200 beneficiaries.

Not only that, MT Telkomsel together with RZ also held activities to learn through playing for children affected by the floods. Children looked very happy playing with Volunteers. Such aid distributed in some point such as Hunggaluwa Village, Kayumerah Village, Tenilo Village, Pone Village, Limboto District., Gorontalo regency.

Safria Abdaulu (56), one of the beneficiaries expressed his thanks “Thank you very much for the assistance given. Food and cooking equipment is very useful for my family and my brothers ”

Zulkifli Nusi (23 yrs), one of the volunteers who took the action expressed pleasure for the opportunity to be part of the distribution team, “Concerned for others is. They are who willing to share happiness. Those who want Hearing complaints of others, they are who willing to share with others. ”