oleh | Agu 9, 2016 | Mitra Korporat, News

MOBIL PERPUSTAKAAN KELILING ADIRA - RZ HIBUR SEKOLAH TERDAMPAK BANJIR ANYERSERANG. Banjir yang melanda daerah Anyer, Serang Banten pada (26/07) turut melanda MDTA Cidohok. MDTA yang berada di Jl. Anyer – Cidohok Desa Gerogol Indah Kec. Anyer Kab. Serang, Provinsi Banten berdekatan dengan aliran sungai, sehingga luapan air sungai saat banjir menyapu bersih isi bangunan sekolah tersebut.

Menurut Pak Juwanda selaku Kepala Sekolah MDTA Cidohok memaparkan mengenai kerusakan yang dialami, “Tiga ruang kelas runtuh, satu ruangan rusak walau kondisi bangunan masih ada,” ujarnya. “Lemari, kursi, papan tulis, Al-Quran dan buku-buku, dan data-data madrasah yang ada didalamnya hilang terhanyut.“ tambahnya.

Selama ini KBM (Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar) dilaksanakan di salah satu halaman rumah warga yang dekat dengan bangunan sekolah.

Sekolah ini berdiri sejak tahun 2014 masih terbilang baru, namun kondisinya sangat memprihatinkan. Tim Mobil perpustakaan keliling Adira Insurance – RZ yang sebelumnya telah mensurvei sekolah satu bulan yang lalu tercengang melihat kondisi bangunan yang tak lagi utuh.

Dari pihak sekolah masih menunggu respon dari pemerintah kabupaten Serang, pihaknya memang sudah berusaha melapor melalui forum Madrasah Diniyah Serang.

Bukan sekedar kunjungan, tim Mobil Perpustakaan Keliling Adira Insurance – RZ menghibur anak-anak melalui dongeng, film edukasi, pelatihan internet dan berbagai macam perlombaan. Lomba mewarnai juga permainan lego. Anak-anak pun tampak antusias membaca buku, mereka dengan ceria menyambut Mobil Perpustakaan Keliling Adira Insurance – RZ.

“Terima kasih sudah mau menghibur dan memotivasi anak-anak, terutama termotivasi dengan budaya membaca” tutur Pak Juwanda.

SerangMOBIL PERPUSTAKAAN KELILING ADIRA - RZ HIBUR SEKOLAH TERDAMPAK BANJIR ANYERSERANG. The flooding that hit the area Anyer, Serang Banten (07/26) also hit MDTA Cidohok. MDTA located on Jl. Anyer – Cidohok Gerogol Desa Indah district. Anyer Kab. Serang, Banten province which is adjacent to the river flow so that the overflow of river water during a flood wiped out the contents of the school building.

According to Mr. Juwanda as Principal of MDTA Cidohok exposed the damage suffered, “Three classrooms collapsed, one room damaged even if the condition of the building is still there,” he said. “The wardrobe, chairs, blackboards, Quran and books, and the data contained therein is swept away.” He added.

During this time, teaching (Teaching and Learning) carried on yard houses near the school building.

This school was founded in 2014 is still relatively new, but the condition is very poor. Team of Adira Insurance – RZ mobile library car previously surveyed school a month ago were stunned to see the condition of the building which is no longer intact.

Of the school is still waiting for a response from Serang district government, we have tried to report through Madrasah Diniyah Serang forum.

Not just a visit, Team of Adira Insurance – RZ mobile library car entertain children through fairy tales, educational films, Internet training and various races, also coloring contest and Lego game. The kids seemed excited to read the book, they cheerfully greet the mobile library car.

“Thank you, to willingly entertain and motivate children, especially motivated by the culture of reading” said Mr Juwanda.
