[:ID]SURAKARTA. Rabu, (04/10), Mobil Juara Perpustakaan Keliling Rumah Zakat Solo berkunjung ke TPA As Sakinah, Desa Berdaya Gilingan, Kec Banjarsari, Kota Surakarta.
Sekitar 50 adik-adik TPA jenjang TK-SD sangat antusias dan senang menyambut kehadiran Mobil Juara. Hadir juga Sunarsih, Fasilitator Desa Berdaya Rumah Zakat di Desa Gilingan yang ikut menemani tim Mobil Juara.
Kegiatan ini dipandu kak Punto dan kak Catur, diawali berdoa bersama, selanjutnya adik-adik TPA di persilahkan membaca buku kesukaannya.
“Silahkan adik-adik membaca buku, nanti coba diceritakan ya, dari buku yang dibaca. Ambil bukunya bergantian, antri yang tertib,” Ujar kak punto.
“Waktunya bercerita nih. Ayo siapa yang mau bercerita, nanti dapat hadiah lhoo,” tambah kak Punto.
Adik-adik terlihat gembira sekali. Bahkan ada 4 anak yang mau maju dan bercerita tentang buku yang sudah dibacanya, ia adalah Ananda Rafi, Faza, Nisa, dan Faarisa. “Terima kasih Rumah Zakat,” ujar mereka serempak saat menerima hadiah dari Rumah Zakat.
“Alhamdulillah, Senang sekali melihat keceriaan adik-adik TPA, semoga tambah semangat ke TPA,” ujar Sunarsih.
Surakarta[:en]SURAKARTA. Wednesday, (04/10), Rumah Zakat’s Juara Library Car Solo visited the TPA As Sakinah, at Empowered Village Empowered, Banjarsari Sub-District, Surakarta City.
Approximately 50 TPA-elementary students are very enthusiastic and happy to welcome the presence of Juara Library Car. Also present Sunarsih, Empowered Village Facilitator of Rumah Zakat in Gilingan Village who accompanied the Juara Library Car team.
This activity is guided by kak Punto and kak Chatur, starting with pray together, then the student of TPA be pleased to read their favorite book.
“Please, brother and sister you can read the book, later try to tell us your story ya, from the book you read. Take the book alternately, queuing orderly, “said Punto.
“Now, time to tell your story. let’s go to the front of the class, who will tell the story will give the gift, “added Punto.
Brothers and sisters look very happy. In fact, there are 4 children who want to come in front of the class and talk about books that they have been read, they are Ananda Rafi, Faza, Nisa, and Faarisa. “Thank you Rumah Zakat,” they say when receiving a gift from Rumah Zakat.
“Alhamdulillah, Glad to see the joys of students of TPA, hopefully added spirit to these students,” said Sunarsih.
Newsroom / Kuna