[:ID]SURAKARTA. Selasa (07/10), Mobil Juara perpustakaan keliling Rumah Zakat Solo berkunjung ke TPA As-Sakinah, Desa Berdaya Gilingan, Kec. Banjarsari, Kota Surakarta.
Sekitar 50 siswa TPA sangat antusias dan senang menyambut kehadiran Mobil Juara. Kegiatan ini dipandu Kak Punto dan Kak Catur.
“Adik-adik mobil juara kali ini hadir lagi,” kata kak punto.
“Adik-adik senang mobil juara datang?” tanya kak punto.
“Senang sekali kak,” jawab adik-adik serempak.
“Kali ini, selain membaca buku-buku yang ada di mobil juara, Ayooo, sekarang lomba mewarnai ya.”
“Iya kak. Asyik lomba mewarnai.” jawab adik-adik.
Suasana riang gembira begitu tergambar di wajah adik-adik saat mereka asyik mewarnai. Selang beberapa waktu, semua hasil mewarnai anak-anak dikumpulkan. Setelah diseleksi, ada 5 anak yang mendapat hadiah dari Kak Punto.
“Alhamdulillah, senang sekali melihat keceriaan adik-adik TPA, semoga tambah semangat ke TPA,” ujar Sunarsih, Fasilitator Desa Berdaya Rumah Zakat.
Surakarta[:en]SURAKARTA. Tuesday (07/10), Mobil Juara Rumah Zakat Solo visits As-Sakinah TPA, Berdaya Gilingan Village, Kec. Banjarsari, Surakarta City.
Approximately 50 TPA students are very enthusiastic and happy to welcome the presence of Champion Car. This activity is guided by Kak Punto and Katur Chatur.
“The students, Now Mobil Juara come here again,” said Mr. Punto.
“Are you all happy, aren’t you?” Asked Mr. Punto.
“We are so happy,” the students answered.
“This time, in addition to reading the books in Mobil Juara, Let’s now follow the coloring competition !”
“Yes. Fun coloring competition.” Replied the students.
The atmosphere of joy is so illustrated on the faces of younger siblings as they engrossed in coloring. Over time, all the coloring results of the children were collected. After the selection, there are 5 children who received a gift from Kak Punto.
“Alhamdulillah, happy to see the joys of TPA’s Student, hopefully, added spirit to them,” said Sunarsih, Empowered Village Facilitator of Rumah Zakat.
Newsroom / Kuna