oleh | Okt 30, 2014 | News

RZ SoloSOLO. Untuk meningkatkan minat baca warga dan anak-anak di Kabupaten Boyolali hingga daerah pelosok, Mobil Juara menyambangi TK/TPA di desa binaan Relawan Inspirasi, Kamis (30/10).

“Dengan adanya kunjungan Mobil Juara ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan minat baca warga dan anak-anak di derah yang dikunjungi sehingga dapat meningkatkan ilmu dan wawasan mereka,” ungkap Branch Manager RZ Solo Mei Sri Widuri.

“Terima kasih Mobil Juara telah hadi di desa kami, semoga kunjungan ini bisa berlanjut di lain waktu,” pungkas salah satu warga di akhir kegiatan.***

Newsroom/Mei Sri Widuri
RZ SoloSOLO. To enhance the children’s interest in reading, RZ Solo sent an Inspiration Volunteer and a Juara Van to several ICD areas in Boyolali on Thursday (30/10).

In this opportunity, the volunteers were assigned to motive local children in order to be more diligent and have higher dream. “They’re very enthusiastic during the motivation session. Moreover, many of them who tell their dream confidently,” Devi Afriyanti, a volunteer, said.

On the other hand, the students also felt free to read any books provided in Juara Van. “The presentation of Juara Van is expected to enhance local people especially children’s interest in reading because reading is important to enrich our knowledge,” Mei Sri Widuri, Branch Manager of RZ Solo, said.

In the last session of the action, they were invited to take a photo by the volunteer in the yard.***

Newsroom/Mei Sri Widuri
RZ Solo