oleh | Mar 31, 2016 | Mitra Korporat, News

CIMOBIL JUARA RZ BERBAGI KECERIAAN DI PAUD AL-KAROM CILEGONLEGON. Indah rasanya saat bisa berbagi bersama anak-anak PAUD Al-Karom yang beralamat di Jl. Teuku Cik Ditiro Link., Pengampelan RT 03/03 Desa Kedaleman Kec. Cibeber Cilegon-Banten. Rabu (29/03) Sekira 25 anak mendapatkan berbagai ilmu yang diberikan oleh tim Mobil Juara (mobil perpustakaan keliling, walaupun dengan jumlah siswa yang sedikit dibanding sekolah yang lain kegiatan di PAUD Al-Karom berlangsung meriah.

Dalam kesempatan itu Tim Moju Adira-RZ Cilegon memulai aksinya mendongeng dengan tema “Bu Lilis Guru yang Hebat”. Cerita dalam dongeng ini menggambarkan tentang kasih sayang terhadap anak yatim. Keceriaan anak-anak terlihat saat melihat pendongeng menangis seperti layaknya anak kecil menangis. kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan lomba mewarnai, membaca buku, bermain lego dan menonton film edukasi.

Iroh Basiroh, PIC Mobil Juara menjelaskan timnya memilih tempat PAUD Al-Karom untuk dikunjungi karena sebelumnya telah disurvey dan recommended.
“Kami memilih berkunjung ke PAUD Al-Karom karena berdasarkan hasil survey tempat ini layak untuk dikunjungi,” katanya. “Selain itu sarana dan prasarana pendidikan disana (red: PAUD Al-Karom) masih terlalu minim,” lanjutnya.

Sementara itu Siti Nurazizah (4), salah satu siswi mengaku senang atas kehadiran tim Moju karena selain mendapatkan ilmu juga hadiah.
”Alhamdulillah, saya dapat hadiah dari lomba mewarnai, terima kasih,” ucapnya polos.***

Sumber : JUARA RZ BERBAGI KECERIAAN DI PAUD AL-KAROM CILEGONCILEGON. Wonderful feeling will be feel when we able to share with the students of Al-KAROM early childhood school at Jl. Teuku Cik Ditiro Link., Pengampelan RT 03/03 Kedaleman Village Cibeber district Cilegon-Banten.

On Wednesday (29/03) Approximately 25 students get a variety of science given by a team of Juara mobile Car (mobile library), although with the number of students which is less than the other schools the activity in Al-KAROM early childhood school went lively.

On that occasion, Moju Adira-RZ Cilegon team started the action with storytelling with the theme “Mrs. Lilis the great teacher”. The story in this tale illustrates the affection for orphaned children. Cheerfulness was visible when they saw storyteller cried like a child. The activities continued with a coloring contest, reading books, watch education movie and play Lego.

Iroh Basiroh, PIC of juara mobile car explained that his team chose Al-KAROM ECD as a place to be visited because it had previously been surveyed and recommended.

“We chose to visit Al-KAROM ECD because according to the survey this place worth visiting,” he said. “In addition, the educational facilities in Al-KAROM ECD are still too limited,” he continued.

Meanwhile Siti Nurazizah (4), one of the students said that she was happy for the presence of Moju team because in besides getting science, he got a prize as well.

“Alhamdulillah, I got a prize from a coloring contest, thank you,” she said innocently. ***

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