[:ID]LOMBOK. Tawa riang anak-anak menyambut kedatangan relawan Rumah Zakat, saat menyalurkan bantuan ke Kamp Kayangan Pos 1, Dusun Lokorangan, Desa/Kecamatan Kayangan, Kabupaten Lombok Utara, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Sabtu (1/9). Mereka berlarian kegirangan saat Nyoto, salah satu relawan menggendong seorang anak untuk bermain dan berfoto dilahan kamp pengungsian.
Udara panas dan berdebu tidak menutupi senyum di wajah mereka, padahal kesehatan anak-anak tersebut bisa terancam. “Saya sangat prihatin dengan kondisi anak-anak di pengungsian, lingkungannya sangat dipenuhi debu dan udaranya panas”, kata Nyoto.
Keberadaan anak-anak di kamp pengungsian menjadi hiburan tersendiri, meskipun dalam kondisi memprihatinkan tapi mereka masih bisa ceria menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari di tempat tersebut. Nyoto merasakan kedekatan relawan dengan korban gempa terutama anak-anak di kamp pengungsian makin hari makin erat. “Kasihan kalo liat mereka ditinggal relawan, suka nangis”, tambahnya.
Dampak gempa yang terjadi pada Minggu (5/8) sekitar pukul 19.46 WITA di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat hingga kini masih terlihat. Selain dampak fisik, dampak psikis pun masih terasa.
Warga masih enggan tinggal di rumah, mereka lebih memilih beraktifitas di tenda karena guncangan yang mencapai 7,0 skala richer turut merobohkan kekuatan hati mereka.
Hampir di seluruh kawasan Lombok terutama Lombok Utara dan Lombok Timur terlihat tumpukan reruntuhan bangunan. Tidak sedikit warga dibantu relawan dan petugas mengumpulkan harang berharga yang tersisa yang bisa sedikit menghibur duka lara.
“Kini warga perlahan bangkit, mulai membangun rumah dan kehidupan mereka. Sedikit demi sedikit semua lini kehidupan mulai ditata, walaupun ingatan goncangan belum sepenuhnya terlupakan namun mereka harus tetap bertahan,” tambah Nyoto.
Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]LOMBOK. The children’s cheerful laughter welcomed the arrival of Rumah Zakat volunteers, while distributing aid to Kayangan Pos 1 Camp, Lokorangan Village, Kayangan Village / District, North Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, Saturday (1/9). They ran around happily when Nyoto, one of the volunteers carrying a child to play and take a photo in the camp.
Hot and dusty air does not cover the smiles on their faces, even though the health of these children can be threatened. “I am very concerned about the condition of the children in the evacuation, the environment is very filled with dust and the air is hot”, said Nyoto.
The existence of children in refugee camps becomes their own entertainment, even though in appalling conditions but they can still cheerfully live their daily lives in that place. Nyoto felt the closeness of volunteers with earthquake victims, especially the children in the refugee camp, getting closer and closer. “It’s a pity if they see volunteers left behind, like to cry”, he added.
The impact of the earthquake that occurred on Sunday (5/8) around 19.46 WITA in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara is still visible. Besides the physical impact, the psychological impact is still felt.
Residents are still reluctant to stay at home, they prefer to indulge in tents because the shocks of 7.0 richer scale of earthquake also break down the strength of their hearts.
Almost in all regions of Lombok, especially North Lombok and East Lombok, there are piles of ruined buildings. Not a few residents are assisted by volunteers and officers collect the remaining precious things that can comfort a little grief.
“Now people are slowly rising, starting to build their homes and lives. Little by little, all lines of life begin to be organized, even though the memory of the shock has not been completely forgotten, but they have to survive, “Nyoto added.
Lailatul Istikhomah[:]