[:ID]ACEH. Hingga hari ke 21 paska Gempa yang terjadi di Aceh pada 7 Desember 2016 lalu, Relawan RZ masih terus melakukan aksi kebencanaan di Kabupaten Pidie Jaya yang merupakan daerah terdampak paling parah.
“Setelah selesai masa tanggap darurat pada 21 Desember 2016, kami mulai fokus membantu proses recovery di sini,” ujar Izzatul Yazid, Koordinator Lapangan Aksi Peduli Bencana Gemp Aceh.
Saat ini, RZ sedang mempersiapkan pembangunan kembali Masjid Darul Ihsan di Gampong Deuyah Teumanah, Kabupaten Pidie Jaya yang merupakan hasil sinergi dengan Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat, Bank BJB dan Baznas Provinsi Jawa Barat.
“Sebelumnya, Masjid Darul Ihsan ini memang sedang proses pembangunan dan sudah 75%. Namun, Gempa yang terjadi 3 pekan lalu telah membuat masjid rata dengan tanah. Padahal, biaya pembangunan masjid ini adalah hasil patungan warga Deuyah Teumanah, dimana setiap warga menabung Rp1.000 setiap hari, karena itulah kami bantu untuk bangunkan kembali” ungkap Yazid.
Selain pembangunan masjid yang roboh, RZ juga akan membantu pendirian 2 lokal Sekolah Darurat di 2 lokasi, membangun sarana sanitasi berupa alat filtrasi air di Masjid Baiturrahman Gampong Masjid Peudeuk sekaligus merenovasi MCK-nya.
“Untuk Sekolah Darurat, RZ akan membangun 2 ruang kelas di SDN Peudeuk Tunong dan SDN 1 Trienggading. Sekolah Darurat didirikan karena kedua sekolah ini hancur dan memerlukan waktu yang lama untuk membangunnya kembali secara utuh,” jelas Yazid.
Sejak 7-28 Desember 2016, RZ telah memobilisasi 83 relawan yang bertugas dalam proses evakuasi, distribusi logistik, operasional dan medis untuk aksi peduli bencana Gempa Aceh. Tak hanya itu, RZ pun mendatangkan 3 ambulance dan 1 mobil klinik keliling, mendirikan 4 dapur umum yang telah menyediakan 66ribu porsi makanan, pos layanan kesehatan yang berhasil melayani 1.754 warga, pos segar yang melayani 1.600 relawan dan petugas, sekolah senyum yang diikuti 400 anak, layanan trauma healing untuk 165 anak dan mendistribusikan 3.000 bantuan logistik di 4 titik pengungsian.
“Terima kasih kepada semua donatur yang telah bersinergi bersama RZ dalam aksi peduli bencana di Aceh selama masa tanggap darurat. Semoga kita bisa terus bersinergi untuk membantu proses recovery Aceh, khususnya di kabupaten Pidie Jaya,” ujar Nur Efendi, CEO RZ.
Newsroom/Ria Arianti
Aceh[:en]ACEH. Until day 21 post-earthquake in Aceh on December 7, 2016 last, RZ Volunteers continue to perform care for disaster action in Pidie Jaya which is the most severely affected areas.
“Upon completion of the emergency response phase on December 21, 2016, we started to focus on helping the recovery process here,” said Izzatul Yazid, Field Coordinator of the action.
Currently, RZ is preparing to rebuild of Darul Ihsan mosque in Gampong Deuyah Teumanah, Pidie Jaya which is the result of synergy with the Provincial Government of West Java, Bank BJB and Baznasof West Java Province. “Previously, Darul Ihsan mosque was indeed being the development process and is already 75%. However, the earthquake that occurred three weeks ago has made the mosque to the ground. In fact, the cost of construction of this mosque is the result of a joint venture of Deuyah Teumanah residents, in which every resident of saving 1,000 every day, that’s why we help to rebuild it “said Yazid.
In addition to the construction of the mosque, RZ will also help the establishment of Local Emergency School in 2 locations, construct sanitation facilities in the form of water filtration in Masjid Mosque Baiturrahman Gampong Peudeuk as well as renovate its toilets.
“For Emergency School, RZ will build two classrooms at SDN Peudeuk Tunong and SDN 1 Trienggading. Emergency School was established for these two schools were destroyed and requires a long time to rebuild it as a whole, “said Yazid.
From 7 to 28 December 2016 RZ has mobilized 83 volunteers who served in the evacuation process, distribution logistics, operations and medical care to the action of earthquake disaster in Aceh. Not only that, RZ also brought 3 ambulance and 1 mobile clinic car, setting up four public kitchens for providing 66ribu servings of food, the post of health services that successfully served 1,754 residents, post fresh served 1,600 volunteers and officers, school smile followed 400 children, trauma healing services to 165 children and distributed 3,000 logistical support in the 4-point displacement.
“Thank you to all the donators who have synergized with RZ in care for disaster in Aceh during the emergency response. Hopefully we can continue to work together to help the recovery process in Aceh, particularly in the districts of Pidie Jaya, “said RZ’s CEO, Nur Efendi.
Newsroom/Ria Arianti